Friday, September 14, 2012

Another Bright Spot!

Sometimes the solitude and peacefulness of the Bayou is a good thing..sometimes it wears a tad thin.  I was beginning to long for a bit of change.  Perhaps I needed a vacation!  Perhaps a move!  Perhaps a party!  I thought of each of those as I meandered about the hillside.   Was I just getting bored with the same old things every day? I was seriously doubting my quality of life..something that I have never questioned before as I have always found some reason to be grateful of my surroundings.  Ms. Ez and I plodded toward the Little Bayou House from the marsh edge.  The hill seemed to be far more steep today making my trek difficult.  I had not noticed this before.  There were more mosquitoes than usual and the heat seemed almost intolerable.  Not one heron came to greet me at the pier.  My friend, Hawk, did not follow me about the yard.  There were no baby bunnies nor young otters playing about the marsh.  I felt forlorn and forgotten. Where, oh, where were all my little friends? My hikes about the hillside and marsh usually provide me with most interesting distractions but not today.

Then Ezzy stopped short.  She was going no further!  I looked at her as if to question her stubborness.  I just wanted to head back inside and dwell on my bleak walk but Ez had other ideas. The dog was staring at a single butterfly as it flitted around a Hibiscus bloom.  The waning sunlight backlit the wings of the butterfly with fiery brilliance! little bright spot! The sun shone through the wings of the Clouded Yellow butterfly so brightly that I could see all of the veins and dots from the wing on the back side.  Ezzy and I sat and stared at that butterfly for a long while.  Even though I had been short with her for wandering into the mud just a few minutes before, she laid her head on my knee.  All was forgiven as we shared a moment of peace.  My love for the Bayou was reconfirmed.  I realized then that I would be so out of place anywhere else that I really need to stay put.   Somehow, I am almost being absorbed by the Bayou itself..or perhaps I am becoming more and more a part of it.  The critters and I are as one.  We sense the friendship even without words.  It is here that I am more at ease than anywhere is with the denizens of the Bayou that I am more at ease than with any people I know.  They bring me happiness..much like this little butterfly.  My little bright spot of the day.

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