Thursday, September 13, 2012

The difference in taste..or Whoooo chose what?

Mark and I went shopping for a few more fall and Halloween decorations.  I had this preconceived idea of just how the Little Bayou House needed to be decorated this year.  I was determined to go "antique funky".  This is not really a style per se but more of a technique using what I have on hand and since my house is filled with an odd assortment of antique weird and wonderful things.  I was ready to add a few bright touches and perhaps some more funky things from the local thrift store.   I did manage to sneak in a few rather ummm..."unique" finds before he was ready to head to a "regular" store.  I should have known that once we entered things would go awry.  My "antique funky" thought went out the window.

The store was filled with the glitziest bunch of Halloween decorations I had ever seen!  Everything was covered with copious amounts of glitter.  As I tossed items in the shopping basket, I left trails of glitter behind me!  The shopping cart was sprinkling sparkles up and down the aisles!  Oooooh, this was fun!  (Perhaps not for the maintenance folks at the store but for me, I was Sparkle Queen and I was leaving my mark throughout the shop!  Then...I saw it!  There sat the cutest owl imaginable!  It had a woodsy tone yet also had glitz..just a touch but glitz!  I was totally taken!  This owl had to come home with me! I looked at Mark to see if he approved but he was not even paying one iota attention to me sooo....into the shopping cart went to the owl!!!  It was mine!

Just as the owl snuggled down in the cart, Mark turned to me with a broad grin.  He, too, had found an owl!  I started to giggle when I laid eyes upon the whimsical creature!  There was a large, black, glitter-covered owl with crossed eyes!  Mark reached out and touched the bird and the wings wiggled with wild abandon!  Oh, my goodness!  So much for antique funky..part of my decorations now would have to be just plain funky!  I was sure that I could find a place for a glittered owl...a large, glittered, wiggly owl!  The rest of the shopping trip paled in comparison to the purchase of these owls!

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