Saturday, September 29, 2012

Dark Clouds, White Flowers and Old Dogs!

It has been a rainy day here on the Bayou.  This is something that makes me happy as do all rainy days..the drearier the better!  I know that the moisture is good for the gardens plus there is just something about hearing raindrops clattering down on the rooftop that is rather soothing.  I did some much needed indoor chores but kept an eye on the clouds.  I did want to make a run to the pier if the drizzling rain would allow.  About five o'clock in the evening, I could stand it no longer and Ms. Ez and I headed out. "A few raindrops never hurt anyone!" Pop would have said!  Truer words were never spoken!  Rain, itself, never hurt a soul and I guess Ezzy and I were out to prove it!  The rain pattered down on our heads and made our trek on the pier a mite treacherous but we were determined!  Slippery boards just call for careful stepping!

By the time I had checked all of the crab traps and turned to come back to the Little Bayou House, a huge black cloud had moved overhead!  I knew we were never going to make it back up the hill without getting soaked!  I was right!  The rain came..Ezzy and I were sopping wet..and I stopped to take a picture!  With the cloud came an unusual darkness.  Nightfall seemed to have dropped like a ton of bricks!  Still in that darkness, there was one very bright spot!  One of the bushes that grow out in the marsh was almost glowing!  The white flowers were such a brilliant little cluster that I just had to photograph it!  The bush was about fifty feet away from the pier but I could even see the individual flowers or in this case little tufts!  This bush makes sort of hairy flowers!  These little fluff balls will eventually blow off and fly around the hillside making anyone with allergies miserable!  Personally, I like the bush simply because it brightens the marsh and in turn brightens my day! was raining!  Hurry, Ezzy!  She and I rushed back to the house where she immediately shook water all over the floor!  I envied her a bit for her ability to look so dry after one shake! I dripped all the way through the house trying to get a towel!  By the time I got back, she was all snug in her bed!  Smart dog!

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