Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Perfect Morn....

The breaking of dawn saw Ms. Ez, the dog, and me on the pier.  I wanted to get an early start today since I have been putting off some chores that really needed to be done.  I find if I watch the sunrise, I have much more energy than if I lie in bed until after sunup.  The sunrise did not fail was gorgeous!  So many brilliant colors lit up the eastern sky that it was most breathtaking!

There were masses of mullet jumping in the Bay waters this morning.  All I could think about was how Mark should be out there throwing that net and catching me lunch!  As I stared at the splashing waters, a huge swell broke the surface!  Oh, my goodness!  That was a huge fish!  Then....the telltale fin!  Or..a lot of telltale fins!  Dolphins!  The Bay area around the pier was churning with mullet and Bottlenose Dolphins!  I watched as the dolphins corralled the mullet in huge schools.  They would swim around and around the school until it was a tight mass and then attack!  Mullet were tossed out of the water as the dolphins fed.  Fins and tails of the dolphins rode high on the waters.  It was quite the amazing sight!

After watching for some time, I noticed that mixed in with the larger dolphins were a number of little ones.  The adults were teaching their little ones the fine art of catching mullet!  The tiny dolphins were learning well as I could see them splashing right along side of their parents.  What good parents these creatures are!  Most sea creatures never worry about their young and some will even eat their own given an opportunity.  Not the dolphins!  They protect and teach their little ones!

It was such an exhilarating morning!  The perfect sunrise, the cool, crisp air and the amazing dolphin experience!  I will be back on the pier before dawn to watch these creatures again.  It is times like this that make living on the Bayou enjoyable.

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