Monday, September 17, 2012

Stormy Weather and a timely rescue!

The sounds of heavy rain and high winds awoke me at two o'clock in the morning.  A sudden storm whipped in on the Bayou dumping much needed moisture on the hillside.  I laid listening to the torrential rains and breathed a sigh of plants must be happy.  A couple of hours later, the rains had subsided enough for me to head to the pier.  Ms. Ez and I slipped out the door only to return immediately!  It was dark!!!  Four in the morning during stormy weather makes for a treacherous walk down the board path.  Ezzy sat patiently at the door while I snatched up my flashlight!..No use stepping on a snake this morning!  

On the pier, I could hear the quiet chirps of birds awakening in the brush near the marsh edge.  This area has intentionally been left as a nesting site for songbirds.  Mockingbirds, Cardinals and the Rufous-sided Towhees all make good use of the brambles and small shrubs.  In the marsh, the soft barks of the otter family alerted Ezzy to their presence.  She was attentive but did not harass them.  The otters are far to quick for her to chase.  We made our way through the darkness to the end of the pier.  Each step had to be carefully determined as the wet boards were quite slippery!  I did not want to take a tumble into the inky dark waters!  Once we made our way safely to the end, I was able to look at the sky..amazing!  The cloud cover gave each direction a completely different appearance!  To the east, dark clouds blocked most of the the south, a rosy ridge hung just below a huge the west, bright the billowing clouds were tinged with the  north, black...just black..dark clouds and rain.  I took pictures and headed back to the Little Bayou House and safety.  Ez and I, both, were appreciative of our snug abode!

The rains continued throughout the day giving me ample time to do some much needed house-cleaning.  As I busied myself in the livingroom, I kept the door open to allow fresh air into the house and, also, allow me to enjoy the sounds of the storms! Sometime during the hour or so the the door sat ajar, a tiny lizard made its way inside.  Ezzy saw the tiny critter and curiosity got the best of her.  She rose and sniffed at the little, green sliver of creature!  The lizard dashed up the wall and tried to make an escape through the window.  Mistake!  The window was closed so now the tiny critter was trapped between the reed blind and the glass pane.   The poor little guy was terrified!  Up and down the blind, he scurried!  After nearly an hour, he settled down and became quite placid.  It was then, that I made my move!  Slipping my hand behind the blind, I quite easily grasped the lizard.  It made no attempt to escape my clutches.  I think the little guy knew that I was trying to help him!  Surely, he would have died of dehydration inside the house!  I braved the rains and took my little friend out to the Daylily bed!  There, he could find plenty to eat and with the rains would not have to worry about water to drink.  The lizard was safe, Ms. Ez was bepuzzled and I was heroic!

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