Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Those Awkward Teenage Years!

There are phases the we go through during our lives that create embarrassing situations for all involved.   One of the worst stages is those awkward teenage years.  During this time, our bodies are changing and it seems that most of us were all arms and legs.  Tall, gangly, teenage years where we were a tad clumsy and surely were lacking in the social graces that come with age.  Ahhh, as much as I wish I could forget, I recall those years so very well!  Today, I had to start giggling in spite of my self as I thought back so many years ago.  A bird brought these memories to light.

 A Snowy Egret came to the pier for the usual handouts of minnows.  Ms. Ez, the mutt, and I were relaxing and taking in the sunset when our friend made its appearance.  I tossed a handful of minnows in its direction.  The minnows flipped around for a few minutes which sent the egret into a frenzy!  It ran back and forth with great haste but never grabbed a single minnow.  Then after the minnows settled down, the bird made its move!

I watched with great delight at the humorous show that the egret was putting on for us!  The bird would pace back and forth on the pier.  With each pass it would edge nearer and nearer the minnows.  Then finally it would dart toward the fish and take a stab at one.  The minnow would flip sending the bird bouncing off in terror!  The egret would run up the pier a good fifty feet or so before turning to see if anything was chasing it.  Realizing that it had run off without its supper, the bird would start pacing back and forth again.  As soon as it had edged close enough...dart!...stab!..run...run like crazy!

What amused me more than the antics of the bird was the awkward stance it took while waiting between bites.  This was the most knock-kneed bird I have ever seen!  Its legs splayed out at the feet while the knees were almost touching!  For being one of the most beautiful, most graceful birds on the Bayou, this egret sure could get itself in some awkward positions!

To watch its antics more, I tossed it another handful of minnows.  Sure enough, the bird came running up the pier with much excitement!  SUPPER!  SUPPER!  The bird was happy and I think the show it was performing was all for my benefit.  Perhaps the Snowy Egret was paying me for my efforts to provide it with a meal!

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