Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Birds and a Feather.....

The hallway is finally fully decorated for Halloween!  This makes me happy as I was beginning to think I was going to totally miss the holiday!  At the rate I was going, my decorations would not be up in time to enjoy!  Then, last night I could not sleep so I took advantage of my restlessness and decorated! I was elated but perhaps my neighbors were not as I kept pounding away with my hammer!  I hung all sorts of pictures and items on the wall...all sorts of things that needed lots of tiny nails!  Pounding away until the wee hours of the morning!  Now, I am happy to say..the hallway is decorated!

Since the walls are cedar planking and the ceiling is red (yes, red!), I wanted to go with mostly black with the decorating theme.  The hallway is rather narrow so adding anything that would impede traffic was entirely out of the question.  I had to stick with pictures and such.  Last year, I had started making black prints and framing them with black mats.  These were things such as owls, ravens and bats.  I just found pictures on the computer, printed them, aged them and the matted the finished pieces.  I aged them by dipping the printed pages in coffee!  Which, by the way, was quite delicious!  The wall looked a mite empty and unfinished so I had to think of some way of adding interest!    A wire berry branch (artificial) was spray-painted black...yes, at two in the morning, I was outside spray-painting a branch!  I nailed the branch to the wall.  Since it was wire, I was able to bend it this way and that until it was sort of gnarled around the pictures.  Two black crows were perched high on its branches.  There was still one spot that needed some small point of interest...what to do? What to do?  Hmmmmm.......  

I plopped down on the sofa.  It was now three in the morning and I was still determined to finish this project!  When I hit the sofa, a feather blew up into the air and came softly floating down into my lap!  That is it!  A feather!  This particular feather is actually rather ancient!  It was a from a bag of trims that my great-grandfather used in his hat-making business!  I had come across the bag while cleaning the sewing room and evidently one feather escaped my attempts at repacking them!  So...the feather was nailed to the wall!  It is a tad large to have come from one of my crows but...well, use your imagination..for goodness sake!  Anyway, at just a little before four in the morning, I was finally finished decorating the hallway!  I was satisfied with my efforts and I am quite sure the neighbors were happy with the silence!  (Not that they will complain as their seven little fluff-balls of dogs yap all night long!)  Ahhh...sleep...peaceful rest!  I have accomplished something and so now I could rest easy!  Daybreak came quickly..two hours later, Ms. Ez and I were on the pier watching the sunrise!

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