Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Things unexplained.....

Happy Halloween!  This is the night that all the preparations and decorations were in place to celebrate.  To some...the bewitching hour.  To some...a supply of ready (meaning free) treats.  To some...a time to sit back and remember times past.  Personally, although I do enjoy the creating of decorations and the time of greeting what few Trick-or-treaters dare to venture down the long, dark lane, I am ready to move on to a new holiday!  Still, there is that bit of Halloween left that must be filled!

The Little Bayou House has its share of "unexplained occurrences" that intrigue and bewilder.  Things that should be readily explained but for some odd reason defy the natural cause of things. that fly off the shelf!  This has happened not just once but many instances.  Most of the time, the said pictures were in the dining room.  There, a full wall of shelves surround the fireplace.  These shelves hold books, knick-knacks and framed family portraits.  Twice (years ago) my daughter, Elizabeth's, picture flew off the shelf and landed a good six feet from its original spot on the shelf.  Nothing was broken..the picture just landed flat on the floor.  I assumed at the time that the kids had been rough-housing and knocked the item from its resting spot.  No one ever owned up to the antics so we blamed it on our "Ghost"!   Then my mom's picture went sailing off of the shelf!  This time the kids and I were sitting at the dining table so I knew that the finger could not be pointed at any of them!  So....our "Ghost" was given credit for the deed! Several years past before another flying picture was noticed.  While I was in the living room and Michael and his friend, Chris, were upstairs playing video games, I heard a crash in that dining room again.  Oh, my!  That sounded familiar!  Sure enough, a picture laid on the floor.  This time is was a eight by ten print of Michael as a toddler.  The frame was still together but the picture was outside of the frame!  When I fussed at the boys for being too rambunctious, they came downstairs looking bewildered.  I pointed at the picture and waited for an explanation!  Right at that time, a crash was heard in the master bedroom!  We hurried in only to find that the window was open and the curtain rod was broken.  The curtain was fluttering in the breeze like a ghost itself! Once again, our "Ghost" was designated as the culprit!  Like I said..these incidents all occurred in the dining room but....last month, it happened elsewhere.....

Michael, Mark and I were all out in the yard when we heard a crash inside!  What was that???  Ms. Ez and I rushed inside to investigate!  There on the floor of the living room was Michael's senior portrait.  The frame was in shambles but the glass and portrait were in perfect condition!  Ms. Ez was not happy.  She knew something was wrong!  Either she was afraid that she was going to be reprimanded for something that she did not do or she could sense that something else had been inside!  Again...with a lack of explanation, our "Ghost" was blamed with the prank-playing!  While all these incidences might have logical explanations, we could find none.  Besides!  It is much more fun to say our "Ghost" did it!  That covers a lot of little accidents that happen..from broken dishes to spills to flying pictures!  The "Ghost" was merely at play again!

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