Saturday, October 14, 2023

All About Timing

   With all of the hullabaloo going on around the nation about the "Ring of Fire" eclipse, I was pondering just how many photographs would make it to the social media scene.  Granted, I am on the "few friends" list but there were more photographs of people watching the grand event than of the spectacle itself.  This actually pretty much impressed me!  Normally, the whole newsfeed would be filled with the same pictures of a "half-eaten" sun but, other than a handful of photos taken through strange filters, the streaming was pretty vacant.  So...I could not help myself but throw the photograph that I sort of halfheartedly took.  In reality, I had not given the even much thought.  My gardening was of more importance to me than what the sun was doing, at the moment.  Still, when I noticed strange shadows on the garden pathway, I grabbed the ever ready camera and snapped a few photos.  One stuck out more than the others. 


  Of the four photographs I took, one was "at the right time, right place".  Without my even noticing a falcon flew within the camera range.  I was happier with the bird in the photo than the others of just the eclipse.  Keep in mind, these were taken with an 18yr old camera, no tripod, no special lens and no special filter.  How did I achieve the shot without damage to my camera (and eyes)?  Well, Mother Nature came to my rescue.  Right as the eclipse started to get interesting, a thick cloud covered the sky.  The previously bright blue sky turned gray and overcast thus blocking out the brilliance of the sun.  That cloud cover lasted just about 20 minutes then poof!  The skies were blue again...but I had my pictures.  So...the eclipse has come and gone but I have a pretty cool photograph to document it!

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