Saturday, July 17, 2010

Dragons in the Air!

There are two small (very, very small) garden ponds at my place. They are simply ornamental ponds that serve no logical purpose other than to be a breeding place for the toads and frogs. I try to keep them as clean as possible to prevent mosquito infestation, but at the same time not interfere with other tiny life forms that might growing in there. For example, dragonfly larvae are some of the most beneficial inhabitants that I have found living in the ponds. They keep the ponds clear of mosquito larvae and then as adults, they continue to feed upon so many bugs that cause problems for any gardener.

Dragonflies are of two realms, water and air. Born in the water, they soon move to the air, and what incredible aerialist they are! They can dart quicker than the eye can follow, change direction and even go backwards. I love to see them cloaked in their beautiful colors darting about the garden. Their bodies reflect almost every color imaginable, Flying Jewels!
Folklore has as many twists and turns as the aerial acrobats themselves. Stories have them representing light and happiness, the souls of the dead and, in faerie stories, they were once real dragons that were put under spells. You choose what suits you, I'll just keep them as Flying Jewels..Dragons of the Air.