It is a strange habit of mine..this seeing of faces in all sorts of things. Back when I was younger, my grandfather used to show me "faces" in everything from tree bark to flowers. There were faces in clouds and there were faces on buttons. There were faces in my oatmeal and faces in dead leaves. At first, I could not see them, but then he would patiently point out eyes, nose and mouth until the face came into view. Now I see faces! Everywhere! Today, a small piece of plastic wrap was crumpled up in a ball on the kitchen table. The sun beaming through the window made this plastic look just like Alfred Hitchcock! Oh my! I could not get a clear photograph of Mr. Hitchcock but it made me think of another face I had recently seen in my window. This one I did photograph! It started one day when I was out near the driveway, I stood absentmindedly looking at my house. Then I saw it..or rather him. There was a man in my house! I could perfectly see the profile of a giant through the window. My goodness! I know that I have a very active imagination but there he was as clear as my window. Now curiosity will always get the best of me and cause me to investigate. I walked
toward the house fully expecting whatever was causing the silhouette to become out of focus. It did not. I pressed my face against the window screen and had to start laughing! It was not just one thing that was causing the silhouette but a whole slew of items. From the position that I was standing, I was actually looking through one window, across the room and through the screen door. Beside the door stood an old hat rack that had accumulated all sorts of items. Among these items was a pair of binoculars, the binocular bag, several straw hats, one cap, and a short handled scoop net used for catching minnows. They were just haphazardly thrown onto the hat rack but at the right perspective and from a distance, formed a very distinct profile. The man in my window! A giant of a man to be sure, but still he was in my house! Oh, what would we do without vivid imaginations! The world would be so boring!
While speaking of Belina. Belina is the second of a series of ragdolls that I am making. I introduced you to Agatha a few days ago and thought another introduction was in order. Where Agatha is quite the tall gal at thirty inches, Belina is rather petite. She is a mere fourteen inches tall, but what she lacks in size she makes up for with spunk. With her bright orange feather boa and gleaming gold headband and necklace, she appears to be ready to walk the Red Carpet! Yes..I admit..the imagination is soaring lately!
Belina is very cute!
ReplyDeleteThank you! These dolls are so much fun to make! I wish you and Elizabeth were here to help me with them!