Wednesday, November 17, 2010


After a sleepless night, I decided to take a trek to my usual peaceful place, the pier, at 4:30 in the morning. It was still dark outside as I left the house with Ezzy by my side. So peaceful.. so overwhelmingly mystifying.. I felt as I always do when out and about this early in the morn. I was the only person on Earth and this time was made especially for me. Silently, we made our way down the boardwalk path, gingerly feeling our way with each step since we had no light. She stayed about two steps behind me all the way down to the end of the pier and then plopped down in her favorite spot. Immediately, she was back on her feet. "My goodness, what is wrong with you, Dog?" Then I realized that she was shivering. My poor doggie was so cold! It then hit IS cold out here! The pier was still wet from the recent rains and that had to be uncomfortable for her. I had remembered to put on a jacket but poor Ez had jumped directly out of her warm bed to follow me out the door. I snapped a few pictures of the skyline and then set my camera down. I patted the bench next to me coaxing her to join me. She was fortunate that the jacket I grabbed off the rack was old and very large was big enough for two! She snuggled against me and there we sat for the next hour..two against the world friends in crime! When the horizon started showing a beautiful array of reds and oranges, I took some more pictures. There was a light, wispy fog emanating from the marsh giving the Bayou the most serene, picturesque appearance that I have ever seen. It was most ethereal, like something from a fantasy movie. I did not want it to end..I did not want the sun to rise just yet..I wanted this time to last a bit longer but that was not in the plan. The sun must rise and the world must awake. Ezzy and I sat there a bit longer watching the kingfisher waking after spending the night on a pier post. He fluffed his feathers and then let out a few screeches as if calling for his breakfast. Breakfast? Now, that is not a bad idea.. come on Ms. Ez .. time to eat!

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