Saturday, November 20, 2010

Pine Cones and Holly Berries (and handmade quilts!)

There is just something about pine cones that makes me all Christmassy! (That might not actually be a word but it sure describes the feeling!) Throw in a few holly berries and I am set! Meredith Willson wrote those words in a song and as soon as I heard it, it became a favorite. Like I said, there is just something about pine cones and holly berries! I have baskets of pine cones that stay in my house all year but come November they seem to take on a new persona. Now they are no longer just everyday cones, they are Christmas Pine Cones! They have an air of importance about them for now these lowly seed cases are decorations! Above the windows in my livingroom there is a nice wide shelf that just begs to be decorated for the holidays. This shelf received an array of garland, pine cones and the next best thing to real holly or at least the next best thing I had on hand. There was a basket full of artificial berry branches sitting on the mantel, so off it went to the shelf to become friends with my pine cones..ahh! Beautiful! A few little lights and the shelf is part of a Christmas Wonderland that will soon take over my entire house. A bit closer to Christmas, I will cut some fresh pine branches to poke in the garland just to add a nice woodsy scent. My first decorations are up!

Being in the Christmas Spirit, I pulled out one of my favorite things! (Ha! There is another song for you! "My Favorite Things!" was a song from "The Sound of Music" and while not actually a Christmas tune, it is almost always included as a holiday favorite!) The favorite thing that I am talking about is a gorgeous Christmas quilt! My beautiful daughter-in-law sewed this one for me several years ago, she makes the most fantastic quilts that I have ever seen. I am so blessed that she made this one for me! Actually, she has made two lovely quilts for me..the Christmas quilt and a Ragtime quilt. The Ragtime quilt is done in homespun fabrics and I keep it on my sofa year round. The Christmas quilt is reversible with I believe a Log Cabin design on one side and a lovely Christmas print on the other. It will be prominently displayed as it brings so much cheer to my home. Sweet Joanna is so very, very talented and I am so very, very blessed!


  1. I am so glad you like the quilts. They are 2 of my favorites. :) Plus, they look great in your home.

  2. I agree..they do look great in my home! They add a bit of beauty that would not be there if you had not been so talented and so kind!

  3. The quilts just join the beauty that has always resided in your home.

  4. Aww! Thank know, my home is beautiful to may not be exactly stylish but it is "Home"!
