Monday, November 15, 2010

Rainy Days!

Eddie Rabbitt once sang a song with the line of "I love a rainy night!" That song should be declared as the theme song for today, this evening and perhaps tomorrow. I, too, love the days and nights when it rains. I love the way it smells.. I love the way it makes everything seem clean ..I love the way I get to do housework. Well, two out of three is not bad! It rained and occasionally stormed today and is doing the same on into the evening. The rain gauge shows that we have had about four inches of rain so far. At times there were some rather high winds .. not strong enough to do any damage, just enough to make it interesting.

Rainy days on the Bayou are more or less quite days as most of the critters lay low and just try to stay as dry as possible. I did see the squirrels and a few songbirds visit the feeders during breaks between storms. They would feed and the scurry or fly back to some sheltered spot to await the next calm. Not even the pelicans were as active today as they have been which seems strange that rain would bother a "water" bird! The gardens are enjoying the watering though even if I am not sure that they needed quite as much as they are getting. The tiny spinach, carrot and beet plants are under water at the moment. The little plants appear to be planted in a swamp rather than a well-tended garden plot.

Things really are starting to get a bit flooded. The creek is swelling out of its banks and pouring into the Bayou. The water is carrying with it a large amount of clay from the roadwork north of here. As it barrels out of the Bayou, it is causing a swirl of orange to creep into the Bay. This will probably mess up any fishing and shrimping for a while as the fresh water runoff will cause the saltwater fish to move back into the Gulf. Hehe..I guess the old saying "It never rains but what it pours!" is applicable here and now! Still, with all of this I do love the rain. It makes me happy to be in our livingroom during rainstorms, since in there I can hear the rain pelt the rooftop. This room also has windows that look out over the Bay and the Bayou so I do get a wonderful view of any approaching storms. It is interesting to watch as the storms move across the Bay, the sheets of rain blocks out all but the nearest objects. I almost begin to feel isolated from the rest of the world. I love rainy days and nights!

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