I really do not like to say that any day spent on the Bayou is a bad day, but...let's just say today was interesting! It started out quite well. I was happy to be alive, the house was decorated for Christmas and best of all..there are only twenty-seven more pounds of kumquats to make into marmalade! Whew! What a job that has been! Like I said..it started out to be a relatively nice day..then calamities started occurring one after another. Nothing too drastic, just the nuisance sort of calamities. First off, I had forgotten that I bruised my right hand yesterday by dropping the front grating of the cast iron stove on it. How I could forget that is beyond me as it is a lovely shade of purple and is still rather puffy, but I did. I remembered quite distinctly when I reached for the basket of laundry to tote to the clothesline. Owww! That smarted! After hanging out the clothes in the icy, north wind, I thought I might make up several batches of the marmalade. I grabbed the pot of chopped fruit from the refrigerator, stepped back to put it on the stove, heard a loud howl, and almost dropped the pot. Ms Put, the cat, had sat down right behind me and received a nice footstep on the tail..she tore up the stairs like a streak of lightning, howling and hissing the whole time. A banshee was loose in my house! She was making enough noise to wake up the entire county and at 6AM! Two strikes against me already today! I continued on with my marmalade production. CRASH! What was that??!! The noise came from the living room! The last thing I remember when I left there was how peacefully Ezzy, the dog, was sleeping on her bed. I raced to see what had happened! Ezzy was still on her bed as if nothing had happened. Huh? Wouldn't she be a mite upset if anything had crashed in here? Then I noticed her eyes..aha! Whenever this dog does anything that she knows is bad, she gets the big doleful eye look. The sad, puppy eye look. The "I did not do it!" look. ..........She did it...... (Not that!). No, she did it though! One lesson that I have learned as a Lab owner is that they never outgrow chewing on things. I was so proud of her recently as she had not gnawed on a thing! She was even careful not to chew her dog treats until I told her it was ok. Yes..I was proud! Prematurely proud it seems.

There on the floor next to her was the evidence. She had somehow gotten my gourd off of the table and decided to eat it. My gourd lamp! My beautiful, purple gourd lamp! It was a cutwork lamp that took hours to make..one that I had planned to give to my daughter-in-law as a homemade Christmas gift. Well, that is settled now! No lamp for Joanna! Ezzy had gotten it off the table, obviously dropped it in the process, breaking it to pieces and then ate the pieces! I believe she was trying to hide the incriminating evidence! Most likely if I had not rushed in, she would have eaten the entire gourd! This animal must have the digestive system of a crocodile! But back to my gourd..it is ruined..beyond repair..trashed! Sorry, Joanna..the dog really did eat my homework!

As an added note..back on Thanksgiving, I said that I was going to find something to be thankful for each day. Today's blessings were many..I am thankful for my clothesline because the dryer is broken! I am thankful that my hand is only bruised..it could have been broken. I am thankful for all of the kumquats.. the marmalade will be Christmas gifts for my brothers. I am thankful for a remorseful dog and a stoic kitty..what would I do without my warm and fuzzy friends. Most of all, I am thankful for a very understanding daughter-in-law..because her gift might be late this year! (I love you, Joanna!)
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