Tuesday, December 21, 2010

One of a kind!

One of a kind gifts..those astonishing presents that knock your socks off..the lovingly, handmade gifts that make you think "Wow!". In the past two days, I have received two of those "one of a kind" gifts. Two incredibly awesome gifts that were each handmade..one by my daughter and son-in-law and the other by my niece. I am so impressed with the talent and love that was involved in creating these gifts!

First, I received a cookbook! The masterminds behind this lovely gift are none other than my daughter and son-in-law. These two seem to have the best time working together on things! My daughter created the cover for the book and my son-in-law took time from his job to do the inside. The recipes are dishes that they have cooked in the few months that they have been married. I have already had the honor of eating some of these dishes and can vouch for the tastiness of them! The cover of the book is so darling! My daughter chose denim and plaids to cover the book. She knows that I am a denim sort of person and would much rather be clad in jeans and a plaid, flannel shirt than any other clothing. On the front over the denim and plaid, she stitched a heart. On the inside of the back cover, there is a pocket that holds two pencils so I can add recipes. (She informed me that the pocket came off of a favorite pair of jeans.) They even added extra blank pages! I am thrilled to have this new addition to my cookbook collection..it is delightful!

The other gem of a gift came from my very, talented niece! She created a gorgeous Christmas ornament! The ornament is quite large and heavily jeweled. In making this, she recycled some old Mardi Gras beads, carefully cutting and gluing each in place. It is such a beautiful piece that come time to take down the tree, I am going to have a difficult time storing it! It might just find a place to reside for the entire year and not be stowed away! This sweet niece also made a wonderful initial wall plaque for my soon-to-be craft room/green house/herb house. This, she painted and decorated to be the happiest "B" in the world! I love it!

The time, effort and love that are put into gifts of this sort is what makes each so unique. Again, I am impressed with the immense talent involved in the making of each of these. I believe that I will be hard-pressed to find any gift that can compare with either. They are amazing and I truly love them! I am so blessed!


  1. We are extremely blessed to have you in our lives! You are by far my favorite of aunts. Thank you for the GORGEOUS afghan, it lays across the top of our couch in the living room shimmering threads let off their sparkle by the Christmas lights. I was a little under the weather last evening and I snuggled on the couch with it. It's so soft and warm. I love you and Pray your new year holds everything you every dream it will be! I plan to make more trips to the bayou to visit an Angel in a human form.. Aunt Barbi you are the BEST!

  2. Oh, my Darling Eva..you are too sweet! I am sorry that you are not feeling well..I will pray for your health. As for being an Angel in human form..I am not sure all would agree and some might have another being in mind! I love you dearly..feel better! Merry Christmas!
