Over Thanksgiving Holidays, my daughter raided my Christmas decorations. This is her first Christmas since getting married and she and her husband had no decorations of their own. They do now! Reluctant to take any she thought might be special to me and afraid that she might take too many, I had to coerce her into filling her box. She did not understand that I thought this was great! I have way too many ornaments and decorations in general. The closet is overflowing with Santas, reindeer, glass balls, garland and trees. I have boxes of bought decorations, boxes of handmade decorations and boxes of hand-me-down decorations. So many so. that it is overwhelming. I do decorate the entire house and sometimes (when time allows) the yard. Darling Daughter was concerned that she might deplete my stash, I suppose. Ha! Fat chance of that ever happening! Over and over again, she voiced her concerns. "Are you sure, Mom?" "I don't want to take something that you are going to use." "Maybe I should not take all of these." Oh, my goodness! This went on until my dear sister called to graciously invite us to her house. Dear Sister informed Darling Daughter of a very apt truism..if she took some of my decorations that would give me the opportunity to buy more! I would have to replenish my stock and this way I would not feel guilty about making the purchase! Truer words were never spoken! I do not go shopping..I rarely leave the Bayou..but.....when the need arises! Today, it was necessary for me to leave here and make the dreaded trip to pay bills. Not a fun thing at all, but at least this time I could peek in at the Christmas goodies! There were so many beautiful, gleaming ornaments! The reds..the greens..the golds! Ever since a dear cousin

gave me one special ornament, I have always wanted to do one tree in only those colors! I wanted to "build" a tree around that single Santa! And there were MY ornaments! I knew I should not..after all, since my daughter took a few boxes maybe the remaining decorations would actually fit in the closet now. But these were so bright and pretty! I picked up one and held it..surely that would not hurt. See..no harm done..I placed the ornament back on the rack. "Oh, look!" I could not help but pick up another! And then I noticed the lady next to me was doing the same thing. Yes, she was trying not to buy any either..we both knew how this was going to end. I told her about my red, green and gold tree! She told me that she wanted one with sugarplums and candy canes. We both smiled..and piled our prizes in the shopping carts! I came home with my treasures! Tomorrow, another tree will be put up in my house! This one trimmed out in red, green and gold! Thank you, Daughter!
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