Sunday, January 16, 2011

What would we do without sons???

I found out something this morning..dogs do whatever dogs want to do without regard of their human friends. Case in point..Ezzy. When I let her out to do her "business" this morning, she was nice and clean..when she came back inside..UGH! She had found something to roll in and get disgustingly smelly in the five minutes she was out the door. This does not surprise me as far as her finding something..after all we live on a bayou with lots of marsh. With marsh, there is always something smelly somewhere..dead fish dropped by the osprey,a stinkhorn toadstool or even just the marsh itself. Well, obviously she did not have to search long and hard to find the most putrid thing in the world to don as her perfume. Nasty! So I pulled out the hose, shampoo and towels and proceeded to give her a good scrubbing. One thing I can say about this dog, she does not mind taking a bath. She is trained to stand on the steps while I hose her down and then shampoo her. After that it is simply rinse and tell her to shake. Not a difficult job at all. The weather was not terribly cold so even that was in her favor. Still, by the time I finished, she was shaking like a leaf. I threw a towel on the floor next to the woodstove so she could warm herself. I figured all was finished now for a while except to apply medicine to a rash that she has on her stomach. No problem with applying, just a tad bit difficult keeping her from immediately licking off the goop. In comes Son..I asked his advice..he pondered. Aha! He bounds out of the room, only to return a few minutes later with one of his T-shirts. Confused, I just stare at him. I thought..well..maybe he plans on bandaging her stomach..but with a T-shirt?? The next thing I know, he has the shirt on the dog! Her collar has been expanded and turned into a belt..oh, my! I thought.."This is going to go over real well." You see, Ezzy is not one of those prissy little dogs that wears tutus. She is a Lab..a big dog. A big dog that likes to chew things. I fully expected the shirt-turned-dog-dress was going to be torn to shreds before my very eyes. Yep..she was going to rip that thing right off and eat it up. I am sure that she is not going to like wearing something like this and it will be off of her in a second. I give it another five minutes ..uhh..well, I'll be doggone..I think she likes it! This nutty dog was prancing around like she was a beauty queen strutting her stuff. Every time I see her, I have to giggle and my giggling makes her get excited. What happened to my old country dog??? Next thing I know, she will want a tiara!!!!

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