Sunday, February 20, 2011

Lichen it or not.....

Lichens..those weird things that grow on trees, downed limbs, rocks and anything that sits still long enough for them to catch hold. I find these things rather interesting in so many ways. Lichens are perhaps one of the most bizarre forms of life on this planet as they are actually made up of several different species of organisms. In one lichen, there can be fungus, algae and even a third thing called a cyanobacterium. I understand and sort of know what the algae is and the a good idea about that one, too. But that other one..the cyanobacterium..hmm.. don't have a clue! Think about the lichen for a minute..this is one strange little plant (?)..animal (?)..entity(!)..(yeah! That is what it should be called! An entity!) The fungus and algae obviously get along quite well and have become dependent on each other to live. The algae part makes the food and the fungus part provides the structure part that holds it all together!

This picture of a lichen was taken on one of my walks into the creek area. There are entire trees that are covered with different lichens but this twig was actually close enough for me to get a clear picture. Although the lichens can be found growing on live and dead trees, the assumption that they harm the living tree is just assumption. They do not harm the tree but merely live with it. I hear of people ridding their places of lichens..not me..I like them! Actually the lichens are a good indicator of the air quality in the area. They will not thrive in polluted places so if you find masses of lichens in your yard..rejoice! I am happy to report that I have a ton of lichens in the creek area and in the yard!

The walk in the creek that day, has renewed an interest in the lichens! I plan on making several more hikes just to photograph any I find. It will be fun to identify them and make new discoveries about them! There are so many uses for lichens..things like medicines, perfumes, food, and fabric dyes! Wow! Another lifeform that goes unnoticed except maybe by those who wish to eradicate it from their proximity. If they only knew!

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