Friday, February 25, 2011

Touches of Spring!

Life is good here on the Bayou..every day, the birds sing, flowers bloom and the world revolves at my command..well..two out of three is not it? I am believing it is Spring..I want it to be so therefore I am doing all the things that I know in my gut should be put off at least for a few more weeks. Planting the garden and pulling out all of the old mulch might be tasks better suited for the end of March and not the end of February. The weather is not helping one bit in this situation, though. After nice rain before dawn, today's temperature reached 82 degrees. Now you tell me, does that seem like winter weather to you?

And while we are speaking of flowers blooming, a few rogue daffodils have popped up almost over night. These are not from the bulbs that my daughter-in-law just sent to me but a few that have tried their best to revive themselves after being brutally scathed by Hurricane Katrina. Now the bright yellow blossoms bob happily in the Bay breeze. Growing up, I remember these being called Jonquils..I am not sure that there is any difference in Jonquils and Daffodils. I am just happy to have anything blooming in the yard and the bright sunny yellow of these are sure to brighten anyone's mood!

Just around the corner from the Daffodil/Jonquil or whatever, the Hyacinths that my precious daughter-in-law brought me are starting to bloom, too. (She shares a lot of plants with me and I appreciate each one!) They are small blooms this year so I am seriously thinking that as soon as these blooms are spent, I will dig up all of the bulbs. Perhaps a more fertile place would suit them better..also, a little more sunshine might do them some good. I love the smell of the Hyacinths and would like them near the windows so I can enjoy them more often. A windowbox might be a perfect place!

Also, blooming are the Summer Snowflakes or Leucojums. I had always called these Snowdrops until just recently. I was told that although they are related, these were actually a different plant. A little research proved the point and although Leucojum is a mite hard for me to remember, Snowflakes..I can handle! These hardy little plants always seem to herald in the Spring with their little heads bowed in prayer. Perhaps they are thankful that the Winter chill has passed. The tiny white flower petals each have a dot of green which my Aunt Helen used to tell me was painted there by the "Garden Faeries"! I think maybe she was right!

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