Wednesday, February 15, 2012

"The Miracle Grapefruit Writings!"

Another rainy, February day here on the Bayou meant another day of not gadding about the hillside. I spent the morning in the kitchen baking butternut squash muffins and grinding up a batch of dehydrated grapefruit peel. Son meandered in for a cup of coffee and was soon helping me with the peels. He was pulling them from the dehydrator when suddenly he said "e". Knowing he is a man of few words, I pondered what "E" meant. "E?", I questioned. "No, lower case." he said as he held out an "e"..a perfectly formed letter e made from dried peel. We marveled over the "e"! What a perfect specimen of a letter! Not really...we sort of smiled and tossed it in the blender along with another handful of peelings. Then..."e"! He had found another perfectly formed letter e! Now this was a little too much of a coincidence! I looked at this letter e and then set it aside. I turned back to the blender only to hear "e"! What? Another e? Sure enough, there it sat..another perfect e! Three "e"s in a row? This started the whole thing. For the next twenty minutes we carefully looked through the peelings. Sure enough...letters! Lots of letters!

It was a strange thing that once we pulled the letters from the mass of peelings, we had quite an assortment..but something felt a bit familiar about this pile of letters. I kept staring at them..thinking about each one. Each letter was nothing more than a strip of peeling but some how once it was in the dehydrator, it twisted and curled itself into a letter of the alphabet. Now, there were ten letters in a pile on the table. Ten letters that somehow seemed vaguely familiar..but why? After shifting the letters around like some puzzle, an "aha" moment. No wonder these letters seemed familiar...with the exception of a perfect letter "S", a name was spelled out clear as a bell! elizabeth...(note that there was no capital E!) Darling Daughter's name! We had an extra letter (the S) but other than that "elizabeth" was spelled from the grapefruit peels! I stared at the name spelled out on the kitchen table...elizabeth! Pretty unusual might expect to maybe spell something like Cal..or Lou..or even Cleo...but to pull "elizabeth" plus and extra "S"? That is a tad different!

Now some might say this was a miracle! Perhaps each letter was divinely formed! Maybe I should try selling this Miracle Grapefruit Peel Name! I might get millions of dollars for this divine creation! Others might claim it to be an omen of something that is to happen in the future! Maybe Darling Daughter Elizabeth is going to win the lottery! Maybe she is going to win millions of dollars as foretold by this grapefruit presage! Still others might see it as a sign that I should ship another box of grapefruit to Darling Daughter! (I am quite sure Son would agree to the latter as he is tiring of picking and canning grapefruit!) Son and I..well we just thought it was pretty neat! Neat enough to require a photograph to be taken and sent to Darling Daughter! So there you have it...the Omen of the Miracle Grapefruit Peel Writings! heehee!

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