Tuesday, February 21, 2012

My Quirky Little Friend!

If you recall, I made a "junking" trip here a few weeks back. It was quite the experience as I encountered the typical "salesman" who tried to sell me all sorts of "quite exquisite" articles none of which appealed to me whatsoever. His spiel left me cold! I did however find the perfect piece out "behind the barn" so to speak. Left out in the weather was a rather sturdy end table that I envisioned as an art piece..and so it was purchased for a paltry $10! The table was mine! Once Mark carted it home for me, I set to work to make this a trash-to-treasure work of art! (To see the "before" picture, visit the post "The Queen of Spain" from February 6, 2012.)

A fresh coat of paint improved the table tremendously!

The weather had already loosened the finish so a light sanding made the end table workable. There was no need to prime coat the wood since I would be painting a picture directly on the tabletop. Early one morning this past week, I sat and watched the Rail fish for breakfast. This little shorebird was to become the inspiration for the artwork on the table. I have a tendency to paint pictures of things from the Bayou because that is what I know best. Observing the critters allows me to know their funny little quirks and it is those movements that give these art pieces their charm. That is exactly what this little rail had...charm..and lots of it!

A portrait of my friendly Rail adorns the tabletop!

Today saw the finishing of the table. All that is left is to apply a few coats of paste wax and this table can be declared a completed art work. I am not sure if it would ever appeal to anyone else but to me..it personifies a little part of my Bayou. My quirky little friend's likeness is now preserved for viewing by those folks who do not get to dawdle around in the marsh! Hopefully, I can share my Bayou by illustrating it one critter at a time! Time to start the next image!

A closeup of the tabletop!

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