Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Like Droplets of Sunshine!

I have heard a lot of talk about "Flowerpot Mushrooms" lately.  When I first heard the term, I had a vague idea that this was some cute watering device that you could stick in the soil next to the potted houseplant.  In my feeble mind, I imagined that this mushroom would slowly impart moisture into the soil allowing the home/plant owner freedom from the chore of hydrating their plants.  I was wrong!  This is not some ceramic or plastic mushroom-shaped watering device..this is an actual living mushroom!  To be exact, it is a Leucocoprinus Birnbaumii! (Yeah..I couldn't pronounce it either!)  And, obviously, not too many other folks could hence the common names of Flowerpot Mushroom, Plantpot Dapperling and Flowerpot Parasol.  Folks call it by these names simply because it has a habit of sprouting up in..where else..but flowerpots!  The mushroom will even spring up in the dead of winter inside the house!

Now that I established that this was an actual mushroom, I started watching my flowerpots.  I wanted to see firsthand the bright, neon-yellow mushroom!  I never saw one in my flowerpots.  This made me a bit was quite clear to me that my flowerpots were not good enough!  No proper Leucocoprinus Birnbaumii would be seen in such receptacles as those that hold my plants!  There were other 'shrooms growing there but not the elusive (at the Little Bayou House) Flowerpot Mushroom!  I waited..and waited.  Surely, one would eventually make its appearance next to the Geranium or Begonia!  Perhaps the Hibiscus or Ficus would play host to the fungi..I would have to practice patience.  I waited..and waited.  No bright yellow mushrooms appeared.  I was beginning to get a mite disappointed!

Then!  I found my Leucocoprinus Birnbaumii!  It was not in among the potted plants!  It had escaped!  One morning, I toted a mug of coffee out to Mark who was cleaning a mess of fish.  As I passed by the large Black Gum tree, I caught a glimpse of something neon yellow!  My Flowerpot Mushroom!  But it was not in a was growing in the mulch path!  As I took several pictures of the cute, little thing, I noticed several others in the pathway as well!  I smiled..I had found my mushroom! There in the pathway mulch were several small mushrooms looking all the like droplets of sunshine that had fallen to Earth!  Now, I ask it bit strange that I am elated to have a poisonous mushroom growing in my yard?  One that could make a human or critter quite ill if ingested?  I suppose if one of the dogs becomes overly inquisitive and tries to eat the mushroom, I might have conniptions but since it is outside the confines of the Rose Garden where they play, I think I am safe!  And perhaps if I am lucky, I will see some in the flowerpots some day!


  1. I think I have encountered what I thought to look just like what you have found. However, a couple of days later, they look unlike any mushroom i have seen. I have a picture of current, and I will have a picture of tomorrow, if interested in seeing. I'm seeking more information about what it is.

    1. I would love to see the photos and hear of the information! It is always good to learn.
