Saturday, November 24, 2012

Good Decisions

Sometimes things happen that call for a prompt decision.  It can be one of those do or die..use it or lose it..or just plain luck of the draw type things but a decision must be made and the consequences faced.  No, I did not have to make some dire decision but rather a very simple one.  It just so happened that I can say that I made the right one!  This morning, I awoke very early.  I had been up very late the night before and was really not in the mood to be bright and cheery.  I even pondered pulling the blanket a bit snugger around me and going back to sleep for a bit longer.  I rolled over and looked at Ms. Ez.  She was curled in a little ball and sound asleep.  She obviously had the right idea!  I should follow her example!  Then I looked out the window and saw that the sky was just starting to brighten in the was going to be a gorgeous sunrise!  Do I force my way out of my warm bed to hike down to the end of a very cold pier?  Or do I snuggle deeper under the blankets?

Sunrise over the Bayou!

The sunrise won the argument!  I pulled on jeans and flannel shirt as I glanced at the outdoor thermometer.  Hmmm..forty-two degrees is not that bad!  Grabbing my jacket, I headed out the back door as I did not want to wake Ezzy or PJ.  (Mark and Joanna had come in last evening so Ms. Ez has her friend PJ as company!)  By this time the sky was starting to be a rosy hue so I knew I had better hurry if this waking at the crack of dawn was going to be at all worth the effort!

Sunrise on Biloxi Back Bay!

It was.  The trek to the pier was worth the effort.  Although the north wind made the chill well below the forty-two degrees, I felt well rewarded!  The sunrise was spectacular!  The decision to roll out of that cozy, warm bed to sit on an icy pier was the right one.  I felt energized by the vision before me!  It was going to be a good day.  No, it was not some earth-shaking decision but heading to the pier instead of lolling about in the bed was the right choice.  I was witness to a view that not many ever see because of that overwhelming desire to catch a few extra "winks" of sleep.  My very own sunrise!  Beautiful!

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