Wednesday, December 19, 2012

All dressed up and no place to go!

Ms. Ez's age is starting to show here lately.  Living on the Bayou as whole agrees with her as she loves to explore the area and befriend the critters that roam the marshes.  With the onset of winter, she is really starting to slow a bit.  She would much rather spend the days in front of the old wood stove than  be gallivanting about in the cold.  The early morning hikes have been put on hold for her when the temperatures drop to near freezing.  She tries her best to go with me to the pier to watch the sunrises but shivering fits make it most uncomfortable for her and makes me feel guilty.  I try to slip out the backdoor occasionally but then she looks so sad when I return.  Poor old dog...poor old dog.  But!..I think the problem might be solved!  Mark and I were at the store trying to finish up our Christmas shopping when he tossed something into the shopping cart.  Now what?  I peered into the mass of stuff to see just what he was sneaking in that buggy!  Oooh!  Is that a nice jacket for me!  Was he trying to hide a gift for me among the mounds of gifts we had chosen? I slipped my hand down onto the coat!  Ooh, it was so soft and cuddly warm but it sure was small!  How would that ever fit me?  Then I realized it was not a jacket for was a jacket for Ezzy!  Well, I never!  Actually, I was secretly pleased that he cared enough for the old dog to make her romps more comfortable.  So, now our old Bayou Dog has not one but two warm coats!  He bought one nice reversible is snuggly warm on one side and rain repellent on the other!  The other is a nice fleece lined thing that I think will be the one she wears the most!  This dog is spoiled, I do believe!

I tried the new warm coat on Ms. Ez.  While trying to figure out just how to put the contraption on her, I pondered her reaction to wearing clothes.  Once before when she had a bad rash, we decked her out in an old tee shirt and she was thrilled!  But of course, that old shirt smelled a lot like one of her favorite people, Michael..this new one smelled a lot like a store!  I poked her left front leg through the "sleeve".  Hmmm..I tugged at the coat.  Hmm..this is not working!  I must have done something wrong!  I undid the whole thing and started anew.  First one leg, then the other...nope..that other leg just was not going into that hole for anything.  Ezzy started licking my hand.  Ok, ok...I am trying my best here, Dog!  I remarked that I thought the thing was too small!  Dear Hubby said "It can't be! I bought a large."  Well, if this was a large then Ms. Ez needed to be on a diet!  I looked at the cardboard insert that had been fastened to the coat.  Sure enough...large!  Hmmm.  I tried again.  Mark commented that perhaps I was putting it on upside down.  Well, I like that!  Hmmph!  I tried it the other way.  Not happening!  This thing was just far to small for this old dog!  By now, Ms. Ez had resorted to licking my face.  Ugh...stop!  I think she was so excited over her new outfit that she was doing the forbidden without realizing it!  I held the coat up and peered at it.  There was just no way that this thing was ever going to go around that fat belly!  Sorry, Ezzy..sometimes the truth hurts! I looked at Ez, she was so wanting that coat!  I guess we will just have to hunt for an extra-large coat!  At least the little rainsuit fit..sort of..maybe? is a tight fit as well.  Poor Ezzy..poor chubby Ezzy.

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