Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Christmas is coming to the Little Bayou House....

Christmas is coming to the Little Bayou House and it is coming one room at a time!  The holiday decorating is in full swing!  I am not one of those efficient folks that manages to put up all the decorations in a single day but then again in my defense, I do decorate the entire house.   As with all holidays, the entire house will be adorned with some sort of decorative embellishments.  This year is no different in that aspect but is quite different in the type of decorations that are going up throughout the place.  When we pulled out the billion or so boxes, Michael informed me that some of the stuff just was not going to be used.  What?  Not use decorations?  What in the world was he saying???   I hemmed and hawed a bit until he clarified himself.  He had definite ideas of how the house should be adorned and was in hopes that I, for once, would do it this way.  He said that all of the glittery, glitzy ornaments just did not "go" with the Little Bayou House.  They were far too "prissy" for such a rustic little place.  PRISSY!!! I like that!!!  Just who did he think he was talking to about being prissy!!!  Ok...he was right.  I am not prissy nor is my little house prissy..it is definitely rustic.  It is about as rustic as one might imagine.  Think bayou...think marsh..think fishing-camp-style-on-the-bayou.  Yep, that is pretty rustic and I am about as bad.  No glamorous clothing, hairstyles, shoes nor jewelry for this old country girl!  Give me a pair of jeans, some moccasins and a flannel shirt and I am good to go!  Anyway....the Little Bayou House was to be rustic for Christmas!

Today, he helped decorate the Christmas Tree in the living room.  We pulled the lights out of the box labeled "Wreaths" and untangled the mess.  He put them on the tree and stood back to admire his work.  Satisfied, he searched for garland.   I had tons!  Every sort of garland was in the box labeled "Ornaments"!   He scratched his head at my labeling but soon found that none of my garlands were even remotely what he had in mind.  "Do you remember the year that you used rope as garland?  Where is that?" he asked.  I pulled out rope.   He draped rope around on the tree with my expert help!  Soon the loops of rope were dangling from the limbs and I admit it did look rather nice!  Not nice in a prissy sort of way, though...nice in a rustic sort of way!  Then we hunted for the ornaments!  These were in the box labeled "Lights", of course!  (Just where did you think they would be?)  Not one of my glitter-covered ornaments had a chance!  Nary a glass ball can be found on the tree!  The silver and gold bells were shoved to the bottom of the box!  He said that only the wooden or rusted tin ornaments were the right style.  So..those were all hung. My brown paper angels were suitable for his rustic theme and were next to go on the tree!  Then some pine cones that I had picked up earlier were stuck between the branches.  Sleigh bells were added and then a few old toys.  We stood back and looked at our handiwork.  Beautiful!  The tree did look like it belonged.  Christmas was coming to the Little Bayou House!

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