Friday, December 7, 2012

I found a MOOSE on the Bayou! read that right!  I found a moose on the Bayou today!  It is not often that one will venture this far south but sure enough, today, a moose visited!  Well, a family of moose (mooses?  meese?  ok...moose!)  came to sing Christmas carols at the Little Bayou House!  I was a tad bewildered and almost aghast at first but soon their presence grew on me and I became accustomed to seeing them in the living room.

About ten years ago, I had told Mark that we needed to start getting a bit more rustic with our Christmas decorations.  The Little Bayou House is far from glitzy and the shiny, glittery ornaments were just not the right style.  I admit that it took Michael to tone it down a bit more this year but I had good intentions way back in the day.  (It is just hard to make that transition when all you are used to is sparkly tinsel!)  Mark took this to heart and went shopping.  I think it was probably at the hardware store or a lumber yard but somewhere, he found "rustic"!  Think of my elation when he handed me a large package!  This large package contained not one but a whole family of  CAROLING MOOSE!  Woo!  Well, I guess you can't get much more rustic than a moose, now can you?  Anyway, after much joking about...moos-ic...bell-owing..and Santa mooses, I put the family out on display. That first Christmas, the Moose Family brought many comments..some good..some hilarious but through it all, they never faltered.  The Moose Family amused us and brought us joy!  Then came a period of time where the Moose Family became lost in the massive "Black Hole" better known as the Christmas Decoration Closet.  I could not find the group and soon thought that they had continued their journey to parts unknown to spread their caroling cheer to others.  The family was forgotten as we dealt with kids going off to college, a son fighting in Iraq, a most devastating Hurricane Katrina, two weddings and a good bit of old-age-forgetfulness.  Then....this year, the family was found!  When Michael pulled all of the decorations out of the seemingly bottomless closet, there was a box that I had not seen for nearly a decade!  Imagine that!  A long lost box of decorations was brought out in the light of day once again!  I slowly lifted the lid to the box almost afraid of what I might find...ahh..garland!  Lots and lots of garland!  But this box seemed awfully heavy just to contain garland!  I rummaged around under the gobs of garland and brought out a MOOSE!  The Moose Family had returned!  Surprise!!!


The Moose Family, once again, is in its rightful place sharing smiles and giggles.  I suppose this most..ummm...unusual decoration will always be a part of Christmas at the Little Bayou House.  After all, it is a house that contains all sorts of weird and wonderful things so I can on imagine that the Moose Family falls in that category somewhere!  I can almost hear the beautiful moos-ic of their caroling!

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