Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Crazy Hoodies!

Brrr!  The drear remains on the Bayou.  I am not used to this many days without sunshine.  The temperatures stayed in the low forties today.  That, coupled with a slight north wind, made it seem much colder.  The drizzly rain did not do much for my spirits.  I just had to escape the Little Bayou House even if it was just for a short hike.  Ms. Ez was willing to go with me once I dressed her in her jacket.  Poor old dog..these cold, wet days are hard on her.  I never before thought that I would be dressing my dog in clothes!   Still, if I want her to go with me, she needs to be protected against the rain and cold.  She suffers fits of chills and shakes if I do not.  Needless to say, once she was warm and toasty, she was ready for a hike!  Out we went!  I opted for the pier since the ground was so soggy.  It would be for the best if we could stay on the board paths.  My moccasins and her feet would catch the brunt of the raw weather otherwise.

Once on the pier, three mergansers paddled about thirty or so feet from the marsh. I could see two fine but the third seemed to be either hurt or just doing something a tad weird!  For the longest time, this duck floated on its side!  I have never seen this activity before!  I watched.  The two that were swimming upright were Hooded male and one female but I could not identify the third upside-down duck!  All I could see of this one was a white belly with its head folded down flush against the tummy.  Hmm?  Had some dire accident befallen one of my little ducks?  I watched.  After quite a spell, the duck toppled itself right side up seemingly no worse for wear.  What?  Was this one just taking a nap?  After righting itself the bird started to preen.  I suppose the little duck is fine and it was just enjoying a bit of odd relaxation.  Whatever the reason, the other two took no notice of its antics.

This triplet of Hoodies seems to hang around the pier a good bit.  They seek shelter under the pier when the hard rains come and dabble about for minnows and little mullet in the shallows.  I know they will only be here for a short while.  Once the weather warms a bit, they will take flight northward and I won't see them again until late next fall.   So I enjoy them while I can...right side up or upside down!

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