Friday, January 18, 2013

Miracle Cure?

I have been hearing all sorts of reports regarding the health aspects of citrus peels.  These amazing wonders of the medical world supposedly heal everything from gall stones to every type of cancer imaginable.  While this all sounds remarkable, I feel that it sort of falls in that category of "too good to be true".  Yes, I do believe that there are some wondrous things that eating healthy can do for the body and that eating healthy does include citrus peel but I cannot truly believe that citrus peels heal every ailment known to mankind. I am in hopes that studies will prove that some of the claims are true, though!  What great news that would be!  But until then, I will just be happy with the flavor!  In the culinary world, the citrus peel is regarded as zest.  This is good as far as it goes.  No chef wants to add the inner, white layer of the peel to their dishes as it is..well..bitter!  It is so bitter and strong that just a tad can leave a horrible aftertaste..unless you grow accustom to it.  This is one of those "acquired taste" sort of things.  I, personally, do not mind this bitterness as it adds a bit of variety to a dish.  Plus, this white, pithy layer is full of grand things like "flavone glycosides" and "coumarin derivatives" which may or may not be of delightfully nutritious value to all of us!  That said, I just grew extremely tired of "skinning" grapefruit and oranges to preserve just the zest.  That job has now been delegated to my son!

A small sampling of grapefruit peels that have been dehydrated.  These will be pulverized and used as zest!

If you have ever noticed a grapefruit has thick rinds...really thick!  That white junk on the inside can sometimes be almost a half inch thick depending on the growing season of the fruit.  When using the peels for things like zest or marmalade, the white inner layer can occasionally add a little too much bitterness even for my taste.  So, Michael uses a potato peeler to skin the grapefruit for the zest (to be dehydrated) albeit, he still makes these quite thick.  Later, I peel off the white pithy part from the zested fruit before using the squishy inner parts.  So far this winter, I have dehydrated nearly two gallons of the orange and grapefruit zest and this is after I pulverized the things into a lovely powder form!  I will be prepared for any recipe that calls for the stuff!  Actually, I just have a terrible time tossing anything into the compost that is at all usable. Stuff has to be deemed totally beyond use before it heads out the back door and down the hill to the compost!  The raccoons, squirrels, rats, mice, 'possums, fox, birds and any other critters that raid the pile in hopes of a free and easy meal go begging at times.  I try to make use of just about everything..peels included.

One of four jugs of citrus zest that I have made this winter! Each jug holds one half gallon!

Now perhaps you are wondering just how I would ever find the need of two gallons of is not that hard!  I am a firm believer that Vitamin C is one of the healthiest things I can partake to ward off any unwanted colds or bouts of flu.  So, I eat this stuff daily!  Not only is it used in jams and jellies, this stuff is incredible used on seafood, poultry and other meats.  Vegetable dishes as well as fruit dishes take on a citrus goodness with a tablespoon or so of the powder.  I, also, have a habit of adding a tad to every baked item I make! Breads, pies, cakes, custards, muffins and even cookies receive a dash or two!  Then..there is oatmeal!  My breakfast of choice is always better with the zest added right at the end of cooking!  And!  We mustn't forget the teas!  Herbal tea is phenomenal with a tad of zest! My two gallons of zest will be depleted rather quickly!  I must make more!  Quickly!!!  Haha!  This will definitely not be a problem as the Satsuma trees still have nearly a bushel of fruit dangling from the limbs and the grapefruit...oh, my goodness!  The grapefruit trees are still loaded!  Hundreds of the globs of gold are suspended from the branches just waiting to be picked and preserved!  Busy, busy...zest, marmalade, jams, jellies..oh, and frozen!  I am sure glad Vitamin C is healthy for the body but as far as any other claims, all I can say is...I hope these prove true!  Besides a cure-all would taste great when it comes in the form of citrus zest!

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