Saturday, January 26, 2013

Nibbles and Lil Bit..two funny, little clowns!

I am sitting here this evening with the windows open!  It has been that warm here for the past week or so!  With the windows open, I can hear some shrill squeaks coming from the dead Black Gum Tree that sits not ten feet from the window.  I suppose the tree is not fully dead, just the top part seems to be.  The woodpeckers have drilled numerous holes in the upper part as they were looking for grub worms and other critters.  There is even one hole that a Red-bellied Woodpecker has claimed as home.  She nested there this past summer and comes back to the nesting spot each evening to sleep.  Here she is well protected from any inclement weather.  But...she is not making the nighttime squeaks!

Picture taken by Michelle Hengen of two adorable flying squirrels!

I went out with the flashlight a bit earlier to investigate the high-pitched sound.  I knew just what was making the calls and could even hear the little critters scampering around on the rooftop!  Flying squirrels were playing in the darkness!  I could not actually see the squirrels themselves but their eyes would catch the light letting me know just where they were!  I counted seven different squirrels and one even decided to investigate me!  As I was standing there, I heard something scurrying on the tree trunk just a few feet from me!  There was one brave little guy spying on me!  He stayed just a second and then went gliding off to another spot!

A cute little flying squirrel  climbing around  on the upper shelf!  Picture taken by Michelle Hengen.

My cousin, Michelle has several of the little flying squirrels that have taken up residence in her home.  She lets them have free range of the entire house and often takes pictures of their escapades!  She has named them Lil Bit and Nibbles!  She even has to check her clothing in the morning lest she pulls on a jacket that has a squirrel taking a snooze in the pocket!  Michelle has always had a soft spot for any wildlife and pretty much can make friends with any critter that comes her way.  It seems as if the critters know this and..well, just take over her house! She feeds the little squirrels and makes sure they are quite comfortable.   I am sure that the squirrels' antics keep her amused and that in itself is her reward.  I, personally, am happy that the squirrels have not made their way inside the house!  Ms. Ez, the dog, and Ms. Put, the cat, would be chasing them around at all hours of the night!  Not good!!!  I will let Michelle house the flying squirrels even though I adore them!.....And, now that I said or more will probably find a way to come inside!


  1. Cuz, I just saw this blog it, thanks!!

    1. You are just so fascinating that I could post about your adventures alone and folks would never be bored! I love the interaction you have with critters!
