Saturday, January 12, 2013

Simple things...

Have you ever pondered just how lovely simplicity is?  I am beginning to believe there is a lot of truth in that old adage "Simpler is better."  I was out meandering about the hillside when Ms. Ez decided to gallop off after a squirrel.  Lickety-split she headed around back of the house!  Well, I guess my hike needed to change directions and head north instead of down the pier.  I had to go find that dog before she wound up in the next county!  Once I was around back, I noticed that the sun was trying to break through the clouds and send a few beams of light down upon the garden.  The hedgerow of blackberries looked a mess!  I really need to get out there and do some trimming!  I have hesitated in doing this as the birds take refuge in the briers.  It is there that they can feel safe from the critters that would stalk them each night.  Smart birds!  At least, that was my excuse for the hedgerow looking as messy as it did!  I was helping the birds!

As I tried to coax Ezzy away from the treed squirrel, a bright flicker caught my eye. Something red and green literally glowed in the elusive sunbeam!  I was pleasantly surprised to find a single leaf still hanging on to the blackberry vines.  How ironic was it that the single sunbeam hit a single leaf?   Simplicity at its best!  A thing of beauty entirely because of this simplicity!  I thought of my procrastination regarding the trimming of the hedgerow.  It was that procrastination that had given me the opportunity to be awed by a leaf! It was that awe that made me smile.  It was that smile that made me realize that I had found delight in simplicity. was that simplicity that made it all worth while. Yep, simpler is better!

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