Saturday, February 9, 2013

Some folks just have class!

In my many days on this earth, I have learned a few things about folks..not many..but a few.  I do not pretend to know a lot..then, again, some things are just plain obvious!  Take class, for instance..there is something that most folks think they have, many folks strive to get but a handful just automatically are born with it! Their parents instilled the virtues in them at an early age that would remain with them for a lifetime. Those few are the ones exude a certain fineness that is not found in the rest of us.  (I admit..I am not one of the few! Mom and Pop tried to give us the upbringing that would carry us through but living on the Bayou, I think I might have become a bit harder. I wish I could say that I fit the category but I am far from ever attaining it!)  Still, in my own little world, I know someone who is the epitome of the word!  To give you an example of a class act, I will relate what happened today.  I have been ill with the flu-like crud.  I say flu-like because I am not fully certain that it is actually flu or just a bad, bad cold but either way, I am ill.  While I was resting, Ms. Ez started raising a racket.  Someone was at the door!  Oh, geez!  Just what I!  To make a long story a tad shorter, it was not company but a delivery man.  A sizely box sat just inside the entryway!  I had no idea who could have sent a box! Michael hauled the huge box into the kitchen and grabbed a knife to cut the tapes.  The box was addressed to me!  There is just something exciting about receiving an unexpected package that can lift the spirits!  Opening the box, I found four large bags of organic flour! (Well, three of flour and one of organic cornmeal!)  Imagine that!  A small note let me know that it was a gift from my sweet daughter-in-law, Joanna!  She had sent me a thank you gift for hosting a baby shower for her last weekend!  Imagine that!  I have never had anyone do something so sweet!  This young lady has class!  What other explanation can there be for such an action other than the fact that I have the most wonderful daughter-in-law in the world!

Now before anyone thinks that one gift swayed my opinion, let me tell you that I have known all along.  Although Joanna did not grow up in the same way as my son, she has the ability to fit right in here on the Bayou.  Not once has she ever made me feel inept or bumbling in any way! Whenever she and Mark are here, the Little Bayou House just shines a little brighter.  Joanna is one of those elegant, classy ladies that could seriously knock the top models of the world right off their runway but I have seen her don Mark's old sweatpants and shoes to tromp around in the creekbed.   Once, we were digging iris bulbs from the muck and mire so she could plant them in her yard and not once did she complain! She has no qualms about going shrimping or crabbing off the pier nor about helping me in the garden or with the canning! All of this and yet she can walk in a room of the most important folks and still be the center of attention because of her grace. Amazing!  Yep..class, elegance, grace, beauty all rolled up in one!  You know...I may not be highly educated but I know a wonderful person when I see one..and, well, Joanna is just that.  I have been truly blessed..truly blessed.  One package, one perfect daughter-in-law, a whole lot of love!

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