It was such a beautiful day that I decided to open the windows and let the house air a bit. The stuffiness of winter was driving me crazy and the Little Bayou House needed to breathe! The windows were raised and the door flung open to let the warm breeze blow from one end of the house to the other. This was all fine and good for a while...then I noticed that visitors had dropped in to see me. Or..perhaps I should say "flown" in to see me. Some of the largest flies that I have ever seen were ricocheting about the living room like pinballs. For some reason, these pests insist on smacking into everything before settling down on the window screen. Nothing was safe from their bombardment! Ping! I heard one hit the light on the ceiling fan! Whap! Another hit the stovepipe of the woodburner! Thud! That one smacked the back of the sofa! Poor, old Ms. Ez was not safe either! The flies were pounding her as well. Well...time to take action! I broke out the flyswatter for the first time this spring!` (Yes, I know spring does not officially start until March 20th this year but to me, spring comes by the weather and not a date on the calendar or when that vernal equinox occurs!) For the next hour or so, I was like a crazy woman swinging that swatter at anything that moved!
After smacking most of those critters, I decided to take a good look at what I was killing. These were the largest flies I have ever seen! Ordinarily, houseflies are small and will make a nuisance of themselves by crawling on whatever is available to them. They do not try to be a wrecking ball and demolish the house. I decided that the best way for me to observe the fly was to take a photograph. That way, I could enlarge it on the computer! Getting that fly to sit still enough for a picture was not an easy task. Every time the camera would just about be focused, the fly would take off on another battering extravaganza! Smack! Pow! Whammy! The sound effects reminded me of the old Batman cartoons! Finally, the fly came to rest on the window ledge and I actually got one clear photograph. Making the picture black and white gave me a much better view of the critter. I never realized that flies were hairy! This was one large, hairy creature! Ok...I do not like large, hairy flies in my house! I do not like large, hairy flies at all! SMACK! No more large, hairy flies!!
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