Monday, July 22, 2013

Black Cats and Purple Phlox

We had a terrible storm sweep over the Bayou this afternoon.  It was one of those types that makes you thankful for your snug little house!   The skies darkened so much that it appeared to be nighttime and then the wind, thunder and lightning put on a remarkable show.  This was the culmination of a day filled with drizzly rain and grey skies.  I was certainly glad that I had taken my walk earlier in the day before even the light showers began.

While out, I noticed that my Purple Phlox were blooming.  These have struggled for the past years.  My sister, Susan, shared the plants with me after Hurricane Katrina took my plants.  These were some that Pop had in his yard and were a favorite of his.  Of course, when Pop grew them, they grew to be huge plants with massive flower heads.  Mine...struggle.  This morning, I promised myself that I would take better care of the Phlox and see if they might do well enough to remotely resemble the ones back on the Farm.  My sister inherited Pop's "Green Thumb".  Everything she touches does well!  Mine..sometimes struggle!

This morning, once again, Ms. Ez stayed inside.  She was not wanting to get out of her bed so the cat, Ms. Put, joined me on my hike.  Since the cat walks so quietly, she is a great one to take hiking when you want to photograph critters.  (Except when she decides to eat what you are photographing..something that does happen occasionally!)  On our walk, she checked out everything before I was allowed to take a step.  She would anticipate my path and stay a few steps ahead of me.  Unlike the dog, I have yet to train the cat how to "heel"!  She goes where she wants..when she wants.  When she came to the Phlox, she was highly interested in a young rabbit that was about twenty feet away.  She stared at the rabbit until it felt intimidated enough to hop under my old truck.  Once she cleared the path of the dreaded rabbit, she turned back toward me as if to say "Its can come this way now!"  I obliged and we continued.

It is great to have a huge dog along on the hikes in case of some "Bayou Monster" attack but then, again, I have no doubt that this little six pound cat would do well in protecting me!  She rules the Bayou and I always feel quite safe from any marauding rabbits!

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