Monday, August 5, 2013

After the Storm...

Just as I sat down to write this, we lost electrical power!  A powerful thunderstorm was just leaving the area and obviously was leaving quite a trail of destruction behind it.  From what I hear, power is out over much of the Coast and there is widespread flooding.   It is times like these that I appreciate the snugness of the Little Bayou House.  Although, it is far from being a fancy place, I always feel safe and secure within its walls.  Sometimes it takes the storms of life to make us appreciate the calm times.

One thing about thunderstorms in the late afternoon, you get beautiful sunsets!  With the remnant clouds still hanging low but breaking in spots, the sun peeps through and casts a most beautiful glow.  This, in itself, makes up for all of the gnashing and clashing of lightning and thunder!  On the pier, I have a front row seat for the spectacular show.  The sky is a kaleidoscope of colors and there is a certain peace that envelops the Bayou.  This is one of my favorite times to be alive.

Last night, Mark and I watched as another storm put on a fantastic light show.  This one was far enough out over the Gulf that it was safe for us to be on the pier.  We could see the large bolts of lightning striking one after another. The storm clouds hung around for over an hour creating havoc for any boaters still out on the water.  Again, I felt secure being here.  Afterwards, another gorgeous sunset.  Several dozen photographs later, he and I made our way to the Little Bayou House. While we walked we discussed the recent summer storms.  This summer has been filled with many such storms and most occurred after a day of blistering heat. Our temperatures today reached about 102 degrees.  That is hot but factor in our thick humidity and it is stifling!  Is this what is referred to as the Dog Days of Summer?  I have always heard that this is a period of time between July and September.  Whatever it is, I do hope that Fall is just around the corner!  I could sure use a bit of cooler weather!

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