Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Fishing but not for fish...

I have this pet peeve that sometimes drives me a bit crazy.  As you all know, I love my Bayou.  It is my own little chunk of paradise.  It is my escape from all the weirdness of the world.  It is my "happy place" where I can go and find peace.  Yep, I love my Bayou and all that is there...almost.  Occasionally, something really irks me.  It takes a lot to rile me on most days but let me find find just one careless person littering the waters of the Back Bay and I do become quite irate.  Not that it does much good as I can never confront the folks that toss junk in the water and marsh.  People!  There are litter laws for a reason!  If you want to enjoy the water..keep it clean!  My sister has organized a clean-up day in her small town.  Every so often, most of the good folks of her community gather together to pick up trash along the roadsides.  They work all day, have a fine lunch and good fellowship.  These fine folks know that it takes a bit of work to pick up after those who just don't care enough to keep their trash to themselves.  The slogan of this group of concerned citizens..."Only trash litters!"  To me, that says it all...Only trash does litter.  No decent person would ever dream of messing up this paradise we call Earth.

This evening, I took our long handled scoop net and fished a good bit of litter out of the marsh near the pier.  A lot, I could not reach.  Still, I pulled out nine plastic bottles, seven beer cans, a shoe, one short piece of rope and a fishing lure.  Hmmm, well, at least I can reuse the lure and I suppose it was lost quite by accident!  The bottles and cans were too nasty for recycling, the rope was rotten and the shoe..well, lets just say I don't want it!!!  Here is a novel thought...if every one picked up a dozen or so pieces of trash each day, perhaps we could make a difference.  Also, if slovenly folks would clean up their act..perhaps we would not have to work so hard to clean up behind them...just saying.   Remember..Only trash litters!

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