Monday, August 19, 2013

I am a hero!!!

It is not often that one has the opportunity to save a life!  This morning started out just as any other morning.  Ms. Ez and I took our trek to the pier to enjoy the sunrise and start the day with a bit of peaceful meditation.  I try to do this on a daily basis..meditate and enjoy the sunrise in the morning, then in the evening..meditate and enjoy a sunset.  This bit of therapy allows me to begin and end each day with a wonderful feeling.  On this morning, though, we found ourselves in a bit of drama.

Walking down the pier before daylight did not permit me to see a lot but after the sun rose, I noticed a friend struggling to survive.  The terrific storm of yesterday left a lovely Green Darner waterlogged and unable to fly.  The dragonfly was clinging to the pier board waiting for the sun to warm his body.  The healing would have taken place in just a few hours beneath the warm sunbeams but not all was going good for the dragonfly.  Just above us, a seagull had already spied the insect and would have made a quick meal of the helpless critter.  I could not let such a beautiful creature fall prey to the seagull.  Even though this was a matter of survival for both, I chose to help the Green Darner.

Reaching down, I gently lifted the insect from his perch on the pier.  At first, he tried to struggle and put up a show of defiance.  His body was weak and his defense show was soon depleted.  The poor critter just  gave up and let me carry him to the Little Bayou House.  Once inside, a thought hit me!  Just how am I supposed to revive an insect?  Hmmm?  I knew that he needed a warm, draft-free place to recuperate so the entryway fit the bill perfectly.  There is no air conditioning there making it quite warmish.  The bug was gently placed in a strange arrangement of dried grasses and lichens.  I had collected these over the summer and just poked them in a brass pot.  The dragonfly should feel right at home on the reeds.  Feel better, Little One. I will check on you in a bit.

Several times, I went out to find the dragonfly still sitting on the reed.  The third check saw him on the window but still weak.  I was so in hopes that he would revive!  After our morning coffee, Mark headed out to pay a few bills.  When he went out the door, he noticed my friend.  The dragonfly had warmed nicely and was flitting about the room!  Mark opened the door and the Green Darner appreciatively made a dash for it!  Out the door and into the garden went my friend!  I was elated!  I had saved a life!  The seagull would have to find its breakfast elsewhere!  I am a hero!!  I am a hero!!

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