Saturday, August 31, 2013

The Big, Red Ball!

Life here on the Bayou is most remarkable.  I see things that others do not have the opportunity to see and I experience a lot of things that others cannot.  The range of these things runs from everyday mundane occurrences to the wildly spellbinding.  Personally, I am always interested even in the things that most folks would find boring.  Take this morning, for example.  I rose before daylight to the unmistakable ruckus of hungry birds.  A pair of Redheaded Woodpeckers had two young fledgling birds out of the nest.  They were calling for me to fill the feeders so they could have breakfast.  After giving in to their demands, I made my way down the board path to the pier.    It was still quite dark but I could tell the day would be opening with a bit of a haze over the water.  This was not a fog rather just a haze.  It was one of those mornings when you just knew something would catch your interest.  It did.

As I sat on the pier bench, the sky to the east started to redden.  The coming of dawn was upon old Ez and me.  She snuggled up a bit closer and we waited.  For a dog to be interested in a sunrise tickled me.  I suppose she has made this trip enough to know that is our main reason to be on the pier at this time.  She sat staring at the eastern horizon totally oblivious to the calls of critters around us.  Then..the sun rose.  It was incredible!  The largest, reddest ball of light peaked above the pines.  That haze blocked out just enough light to make this fascinating.  This was one of the few times that I have experienced the sun rising far above the horizon without spilling rays of light across the sky.  Ms. Ez and I watched that red ball rise further and further into the sky.  It was huge and made me realize just what minuscule specks of matter the old Bayou Dog and I were in the whole scheme of things.  Not that our physical size meant one iota of a difference to any one or any thing.  While I was thinking about our size compared to that big, ole sun, Ms. Ez looked up at me.  She rested her head on my knee and well, all was right with the world.  Yep, and I are pretty important, aren't we?  This sunrise was there just for us! A grand performance to be sure! We sure did feel mighty important just about that time!

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