Saturday, August 3, 2013

The "Dead Tree Forest"

What do you do with driftwood that keeps washing in to shore with every storm that hits the area?  I am hesitant to toss driftwood of any size on the burn pile simply because it is so very interesting.  Think about it...where does this stuff come from and how long has it been floating around out there in the water.  Or if it was laid up in the marsh, what storm put it there?  Each piece has a history whether we know it or not!  So, that said, tossing it is out of the question!  Still..what do you do with it all?  Some of the pieces that I have been saving, are quite lengthy.  These are more like downed trees instead of what is normally thought of as driftwood.  No little two foot pieces for me!  I love the gnarled and knobby trees!

Michael had put in a few pieces for me a few years ago.  He more or less "planted" the driftwood pieces along the board path so I could hang bird feeders and wind chimes on the knobs.  While he was planting the pieces of driftwood, a friend came over and asked "What are you doing, Michael?"  He deadpanned back simply.."Planting a Dead Tree Forest."  Chris looked at us like we were crazy!  "How do you expect those to grow?  They are dead!"   Michael looked at him and merely answered.."Exactly.  How else are you going to have a Dead Tree Forest?"  And that ended that! Son continued planting our  "dead trees".

Today, we added to our forest!  Michael and I dug holes and put in another six or seven "trees".  After getting the upright ones in place, we positioned a few shorter ones horizontally between the branches to add more "hanging" space.  Now I will be able to hang a couple of dozen more feeders for the birds.  Their dining possibilities just multiplied tremendously!  This was necessary as at any given time, there are usually thirty to fifty assorted birds hanging around the feeding stations.  I continuously fill feeders!  Perhaps with the added area, the seed will last at least through the day!

I like my "Dead Tree Forest"!  The driftwood pieces are being used in an unique way.  The lining of the board path adds a bit of interest to the yard.  What normally would be a wide couple of acres of grass, now has a Dead Tree Forest right in the middle!  And..that makes me happy! (Not to mention, it confuses a lot of people!)  Son and I will continue to add to the "Forest" every time a new piece of driftwood washes ashore!  The idea is to edge the entire hundred feet of the board path! Our Dead Tree Forest will get larger and larger with every storm!  And who says our Dead Trees Forest won't grow?

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