Thursday, August 1, 2013

The Storm that Wasn't...

Mark and I made a late evening run to the pier just to check the crab traps.  We have not been able to catch a single crab this summer due to the fact that a family of otters have taken a liking to our bait.  These critters are very adept at getting the bait from the boxes regardless of how tightly we clamp them shut.  Sure enough, no crabs and not a lot of bait remained in the traps.  This calls for some careful rethinking of the construction of the traps.  Mark is determined to make "otter-proof" traps...I hope he succeeds!

While we were on the pier, we heard a bit of grumbling over to the north of us.  Within just minutes some very dark and weird looking clouds appeared over the Little Bayou House! These things were quite ominous and gave us the distinct feeling that perhaps we should head back up that hill!  It is a long hike to the house from the end of our pier and we sure did not want to get caught in some violent storm.  As we headed back up the pier, I dilly-dallied long enough to get a number of pictures.  It is not every day that one sees such eerie clouds!

Mark tried to hurry me along but very patiently waited while I took my pictures.  He knows how I am about anything that looks photo-worthy!   The grumbling grew closer as the clouds overtook us!  It grew increasingly darker with each step we took.  I was positive we were going to be doused but as soon as we reached the board path that takes us to the top of the hill, we could see brightness behind the house.  The clouds were moving very fast to the south and were soon behind us.

Once inside, we listened as the grumbling was well over the Gulf of Mexico.  This particular storm did not drop the copious amount of rain that most of the storm clouds of late have. This one put down nary a drop!  Mark and I need not have worried about rushing up the hillside but you just never know about storms.  Pop always taught us to "respect the weather" and never take it for granted.  He told us never to take chances while out and about.  "The weather is bigger than you are and it will always win."  I suppose he was right but then, at the same time, he taught us to be in awe of the power and beauty in such storms.  This, I suppose, is why storms do not scare me..I am more in awe of them!  Even ones like this..that almost were!

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