Thursday, September 26, 2013

Beacons of Happiness

You just know the seasons are changing by the way the sun sets.   We are just barely into fall and I have come to the realization that winter is nigh on knocking at our door.  Times are changing..changing for whatever its worth..hopefully for the better.  Instead of my usual trek to the pier to watch the sun settle down behind the pines, I observed it from indoors this evening.  Feeling a bit weary from life's trials, I opted to sit and watch the light play through the windows.  One particular window put on a show spectacular.  This window has a broad shelf in front of it that over time has collected a number of glass baubles.  Each one is a different shape, size and color.  All of this set the perfect stage for the extravaganza brought on by the sun's last rays.  It occurred to me while watching this, that winter was not long in coming.  You see, when the sun sets in winter, it filters through these glass objects and sends showers of colored streaks along the opposite wall.  Only during fall and winter is the earth in the right position so the sun can shoot beams through the thick stand of trees on the west side of my house.  One path lends itself to being the channel for these rays to hit perfectly on this shelf.  All other times, the glass sits as just that..colored glass. fall progresses into winter, these same pieces become beacons.  Beacons of Happiness that liven up my dining room.

I had to smile in spite of my self as I watched the light.  This was one of those small things that can lift one's spirits and lighten the load tremendously!  My son, Michael, often marvels over the fact that I can be thrilled over the most mundane of things.  He always says "Mom, it sure doesn't take much to make you happy."  And in a way, maybe it does not..but, in another, perhaps more than anyone realizes.  After all..just think what it took to perfectly align the earth and sun in order to shoot beams of light those millions of miles through a tunnel of trees.  And to make those beams unfaltering in their direction so they hit the glass in the perfect spot.  Once the light hit the colored glasses, it had to be reflected just so to make the colors vibrant enough to have sent multi-hued shafts spilling across the darkened room. sure does not take a lot to make me happy.  I smile at the my own "Beacons of Happiness"!

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