Saturday, September 7, 2013

Just doing what comes "natural"....

Everything on this old earth must have a use..right?  Things were not created just to sit there being totally useless..that just cannot be! This thought hit me today when I was pondering the mass of lovebugs that has hit the Coast.  Has anyone found any use whatsoever for these bugs?  I mean think about it for a moment.  If some (so-called) smart person made red food dye from squished up bugs and "natural" strawberry, raspberry and vanilla flavoring from the secretions of a beaver's anal gland (really, now?....eww!), then why has the lovebug been omitted from the world of magical use-making.  Is this bug just so insignificant that it has been overlooked all these years?  Just imagine!  Someday, you might just be ingesting some delightful substance that involves this little critter!

I was out in the herb garden when I first noticed the lovebugs.  My niece, Eva, had mentioned that they were "in town" but until today, I had not seen any here on the Bayou.  Perhaps I just have lazy lovebugs!  Plecia Nearctica as they are known in the scientific world, do not bite or sting.  They are just here, there and everywhere!  Other than being a nuisance, they are not a particularly bad type of bug.  The adult bugs eat only nectar during their short few day life and that is exactly what the critters were doing!  I did find it a bit strange the they were not fond of the zinnia nectar like the butterflies.  The lovebugs were hovering about the chive plants that were in full bloom!  I suppose this had a lot to do with the color since these bugs seem to prefer white over any hue. Which should come as warning to people!  Since the lovebugs do their thing in September..Do not wear white after Labor Day!  (Well, at least we solved that mystery!  I always wondered why we were banned from wearing white after the start of September...and now we know!)

Still, I ponder the fact that these bugs are totally useless!  Perhaps if they slurp down enough chive nectar, we can use them as "natural chive" flavoring!  Which brings up another ponder-worthy thought..are natural flavorings really natural?  I, personally, do not find it natural to douse my hot chocolate, jam, candy or ice cream with something that comes from the back end of a rodent!  To me, those words on food labels can be highly misleading!  Folks are always told to eat " is better for you!"  Yeah, right!  Maybe you do not mind but to me, the ick factor is pretty high on that one!  Just because a label screams "all natural" does not necessarily mean it is something I want on my plate!  I can have your "all natural flavored strawberry ice cream"!  I will stick to fresh berries!

*It is true about the Beaver and flavorings.  Just take a few moments to look up Castoreum.  It is approved by the FDA for use in foods.  The dyes made from squished bugs are Cochineal and Carmine.  These are used extensively in cosmetics and in food.  Still..the bug thing does not bother me near so much as the flavorings!  Who in the world ever tasted what comes out of a beaver's anal gland to see if it tasted like strawberry, raspberry or vanilla?  EWWWW!!!!!!  Now..will you ever look at that delightful cup of raspberry hot chocolate again without that thought whisking through your mind?

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