Monday, September 2, 2013

The Waltz

Late this evening, Ms. Ez and I headed to the pier.  It had been a most warmish day and since there was a hefty breeze coming off the water, we decided to cool off a bit.  The old dog and I were in no hurry to get anywhere so we meandered about the hillside before actually getting to the pier.  We kept hearing the "squeaky wheel" calls of the ospreys somewhere out over the Bay.  It should be an interesting evening if they were out hunting.  I always enjoy watching these large birds hunt.

Sure enough when we got to the pier, an adult pair of ospreys were not only hunting but doing a bit of acrobatics as well.  The pair have raised their young for this season.  Two chicks left the nest in early July and are fully on their own now.  It was interesting to watch how the male bird would soar to great heights only to plummet downward.  The female would fly upwards to meet him then turn at a right angle and fly away.  The male would then swoop upwards once again.  If one happened to catch a fish, they shared while in flight. One would pass the fish to the other while in flight!

Ms. Ez and I watched the birds' dance until they decided that it was time to roost in a nearby pine tree. They did one last loop around the Bayou before choosing the perfect tree.  The sun was quickly setting in the west and turning the sky a wonderland of colors!  The old dog and I decided to take a hint from the birds and head back to our "roosting" spot.  The board path was becoming quite dark and without a flashlight on hand, we had to hurry on our way.  We lingered long enough while watching the ospreys and their intricate waltz!  Time to get back to the Little Bayou House!

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