Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Where are the butterflies?

Normally by this time, the Bayou is aflutter with all sorts of butterflies especially the Monarchs.  The wild Ageratums are usually the site of a mass of orange.  I always love when the Monarchs are here.  Their colors of orange and black are so fitting for October and Halloween!  This year, however, the Monarchs are missing.  Sure, I have a few but nothing like it has been in the past.  Last year and the previous year, thousands of butterflies made a stop at the Bayou to sip from the flowers.  The Zinnias, Ageratums and daisies were covered in years past.  Not now!  With the exception of some Long-tailed Skippers and an occasional Fritillary there are no "Flying Flowers".  This makes me sad.

Speaking of the wild Ageratums, they are doing extremely well since I corralled them in the flower garden.  They, with the Morning Glories, seem to enjoy the extra attention they get by being considered flowers and not weeds.  I am still trying to get a few of the "Ditch Daisies" (better known as Blackeyed Susans) to take in the garden.  This garden has been designated as the "Wildflower Garden".  I have a tendency to name each area of the yard as it makes it far easier to explain to folks just where something is planted.  "Go look in the Herb Garden!", "The Ferns are growing in the Moss Garden." or "The Rubies are in the Lily Garden!" can be heard whenever there is a question of what is blooming.  The Wildflower Garden is definitely in dire need of a few Ditch Daisies!  (This is a name that folks plastered on the Blackeyed Susans since the roadsides seem to have a plethora of the yellow-headed plants each fall.)

Still, I wonder..where are the butterflies?  Did they just pass by the Bayou without making their usual feeding stop?  Are they running a bit late this year?  Or did I blink and miss them?  Hopefully, next year they will be back as they do add a good bit of beauty to the Bayou.

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