Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Be a lantern.

Well, it is that time of year again.  That one day a year where we make all sorts of resolutions to better ourselves in the coming three hundred and sixty-five days.  At least most of us attempt it for about three days before falling back into our safe, "feel-good" zone where we have resided for our entire lives.  Not many folks can set goals for the new year and actually stick with them.  I have been pondering just what my resolutions for this upcoming year should be.  It occurred to me that perhaps there is just one resolution that any of us need to make.  A single promise from each of us would solve multitudes of problems in this old world.  Each of us should vow to become a lantern.

It would be fantastic if each of us would vow to become a lantern, a light unto the world.  Each of us could strive to bring light, bring hope to those who need it most.  No matter how small or simple of a deed it is, if it brings a smile to someone, it is well worth the effort.  Even just a kind word or a warm smile can make a positive difference in someone's life.  A friendly handshake, a hug, a few kind words might just be all it takes to turn someone in a different direction. For those who can afford it, financial help for those who are down on their luck might just be the turning point.  A visit to an elderly neighbor who spends days at a time by themselves, a heartfelt thank you said to a veteran, a donation made to your favorite charity or merely a random kind note on a social network might be all it takes.  None of these would be that difficult to achieve and the rewards would be phenomenal!

Sometimes a bit of hope is all it takes. Hope can open paths where darkness once blocked the way.  Hope can give strength where weakness once reigned.  Hope, in itself, can mend all that was broken beyond repair.  Being a beacon of light in times of darkness not only helps those who seek help but also helps the person providing the glimmer of hope. To become that light in bleak hours not only benefits those in despair but also the light itself.  Given fuel, a lantern burns brighter thus may illuminate further into the darkness.  That fuel, in this case, is the good feeling that one gets from helping in whatever way possible.

Be a beacon, lend a hand, give a kind word or share your wealth.  Do whatever it takes to ease just one person's life and with that, the world will seem a bit brighter.  All it takes is one person..all it takes is you..me..each of us.  It cannot be that difficult.  One resolution...do one kind act a day for three hundred and sixty-five consecutive days.  Be a lantern.  I hope to be.

May each of you find opportunity knocking at your door, happiness at your doorstep and a warm heart and true love on your hearth. May God bless each of you.  Have a most prosperous and healthy coming year.  Happy New Year's Day from all of us at Little Bayou House!

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