Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Parental Guidance is a Good Thing!

The hillside that overlooks the Bayou is my stomping ground.  It is here that I take my daily hikes and it is here where I take numerous photographs.  The marsh and woods are filled with flora and fauna that never cease to intrigue me.  It would seem that after a while, I would grow tired of climbing around in the brambles or sludging through the marshes but that thought has never entered my mind.  There is always something new and exciting just around the next corner or under the next log.  Michael and I hiked a bit the other day looking for driftwood to use in a few creative projects.  While we were out and about, we came across evidence of some intruders.  It seems that one portion of the neighboring vacant twenty acres has become a dumping ground for litterers.  Trash was piled high in some areas and in others, there was evidence that some "unsavory" actions were taking place.  This bothers me a good bit as it means that I will have to be a bit more careful on my treks.  I used to have to only worry about the coyotes or wild hogs.  Now I might come face to face with another type predator.  Michael informed his old mom that she is not to go traipsing about without him.  How is that for "parental guidance"!  I never thought the tables would be turned to where my kids are curtailing my activities!  I am supposing with the discovery of the trespassers and their illegal activities, I will have to stay on our property or take along my bodyguard aka son.  The nefarious activities will be reported and hopefully something will be done to make my backyard a bit safer.

In the meantime, I will have to be satisfied with shorter hikes.  On one route that I take through the back creek, I pass through an area that is filled with sassafras and bay trees.  Both of these make me smile as I know that I can harvest a number of the leaves each year.  While exploring, I found the neatest little pathway that was lit with sunlight filtering through the leaves.  This sort of gave the natural path a bit of a surreal appearance.  It was almost magical!  I almost had the feeling that some sort of mystical beings might pop out of the bushes to greet me! Sad to say, no faeries, gnomes, elves or sprites made their presence known.  I had to be satisfied with the company of a lone male cardinal.  I was good with that.  He was most lovely!

Hopefully, the intruders will be banished from the area and my hikes can continue uninterrupted.  Otherwise, Michael will be tagging along as his mom clambers through the woods in search of those ever elusive magical creatures..or at least another cardinal!

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