Sunday, December 22, 2013

Rainy days are baking days!

I think the Good Lord knew that I needed to be prompted to get in the kitchen to do that Christmas baking.  I have been procrastinating for far too long.  The table sat bare, the cookie jars sat empty.  No treats for my husband and son had been prepared at all.  So, today, He sent down heavy rains to keep me indoors.  Not being able to make my hasty retreat to the pier, I set to work.  Out came the flour, sugar, butter and eggs.  I gathered together the sifter, bake pans, mixer and wooden spoons.  Cocoa, ginger, nuts and berries all came out of hiding to join in the fun. I heated the oven and turned up the music!  We were having a baking day whether I felt like it or not!  Once I started, I got excited and really enjoyed my day.  To be honest, I dreaded this merely because my daughter and daughter-in-law are not here.  When they are here, the kitchen is filled with happy chatter and much laughter.  That always makes the baking much more fun!  We just enjoy our time together all the while making treats for our menfolk, extended family, neighbors, friends and anyone who happens to visit the Little Bayou House.  That, to me, is Christmas!

Today even though they were not here, I baked.  While I baked, I sang along with the Christmas Carols that were echoing throughout the house.  I thought about Christmases past and how happy the place seemed.  I thought about rain, cold weather, family, friends, ornaments and even reindeer!  Yep, it was a great day after all and I realized that even though my family is scattered all over the world this Christmas Season, we are still all together.  From Kuwait, Georgia, Louisiana and the Bayou in Mississippi, our hearts are all as one.  That...that will never be broken!  Kids....I am baking for you!  Merry Christmas!

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