Thursday, December 12, 2013

The Red Box

I received an early Christmas gift today.  Early this morning, I was handed a red box.  Not just any red box but "THE" red box.  My sister delivered gifts a bit early this year since it is a "far piece" between our houses.  She happened to be down this way and decided now was the time.  She hauled in a rather large red box and set it on the dining room table.  "Here is your gift!" she said with a little giggle. Then she proceeded to open the box and disperse gifts for other family members.  I was in the midst of protesting as we had set a one dollar limit on our gifts to each other and this box was definitely not purchased for a dollar.  "Well, I just could not pass it up!  I got it for a just a few dollars and look!  It is red!"  Susan knows that I have a thing for red!  I love it!  The Little Bayou House is practically painted red!  She continued, "Dale asked if it was too bright but I told him it was for was NOT too bright!" By this time she was finished emptying the box.  "Here you go!  Merry Christmas!" She handed me the empty box.

Now granted this is quite a large box and it is covered with red leather but most folks would have found it a tad strange to receive an empty box as a gift.  Not me.  I ask you, "Is a box ever really empty?"  Nope, if you look deep within you can find all sorts of things that are far more memorable than any trinket that could have been put in there.  When I looked into the box, I found good old fashioned Commonsense.  Susan understood that I have a storage problem here and knew that a hefty storage box would prove useful.  Make that box decorative and the Commonsense is doubled.  I would not have to find a place for my box once it is filled with many items.  Taking a second look in the box, I found Whimsy.  She and I always manage to see the happy, fun side of things.  The box being red proves that we both like the unexpected!  Delving a bit deeper, I was able to grab ahold to a healthy portion of Reliability !  The sturdy box was built well and would serve long!  Next to surface was Versatility.  The box was definitely versatile!  I immediately made plans to use it as a Christmas decoration but later it would house crafting supplies!  After Versatility, came Practicality, Adaptability and Thoughtfulness.  All were in there ready for me to unpack.

Lastly, when I looked into the box, I saw Love, lots and lots of Sisterly Love.  There was an enormous amount of Sisterly Love contained not only deep in the depths of the box but spilling out from all sides!  This was the most endearing thing in the box.  That Sisterly Love binds us together through thick and thin, through the good times and bad, from our childhood to our golden years.  Yep, that empty red box was filled to the brim with the most wondrous of treasures!

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