Saturday, December 7, 2013

What was THAT?

The other evening, I was on the pier taking pictures of a gorgeous sunset.  There is nothing unusual about this as I seem to be there most evenings.  My pier is perhaps my favorite place in the whole world. I snapped photograph after photograph in hopes of capturing a wee bit of the phenomenal beauty that enveloped the horizon.  The sky was changing with each snap of the camera.  It struck me that incredible sights such as this should be shared with everyone.  As much as I feel that God created the view just for me, it is not so.  It is just my job to be there with the camera.

As I photographed, I noticed a strange incident occur in the sky just to the left of where the sun had slipped behind the pines.  Directly above one of my brother's large boats (but far in the distance), a large ball of light appeared.   If I had not just watched it set, I would have definitely been mislead into believing this was the sun.  "What could that be?" I pondered.  I kept photographing.  Something was most unusual.  Something that I had never seen before was occurring in the clouds above me.

I have yet to determine just what this light was.  Was it merely a reflection of the sun from beyond the pines?  Was it a glint of the sun off of an jet in the sky?  Perhaps it was Superman with a shiny hat!  Ok, most likely it was one of the two previous ideas but still this phenomenon baffled me.  Sometimes things happen that stir the mind but then require no explanation other than it is God's handiwork.

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