Monday, January 13, 2014

Grey Days and Twinkly Lights

As the grey dreariness of a southern winter set over the Bayou, I found myself confined indoors once again.   Just enough rain fell to make it quite uncomfortable to be outside despite the balmy temperature.  As much as I love rainy days, this was not to my liking today.  I wanted to hike the marsh in search of driftwood for another art project.  Being as this is a job better done during winter and its lack of snakes, my days usually involve some such trek.  Today, however, was best spent indoors.  With naught else to occupy my hours, I rummaged around in the craft room.  I needed to do a bit of organizing.

After a good bit of time spent going through boxes of assorted saved (maybe useful?) items, my mood changed from one of good intent to one of blah!  Something had to be done to remedy that situation and fast if I was to stay in the cramped quarters of one room.  So instead of doing what it was supposed to be doing, my brain went off on the wild side a bit.  The junk was to stay in the boxes while I fantasized.  I needed something to brighten the day!  Lights!  I needed lights.  Why is it that during holidays, we string lights everywhere to make things festive but if those same lights were out any other time, we appear strange?  Is it possible that we worry too much what others might think of our decorating sense?  That is nonsensical!  If I needed lights..I needed lights much to the chagrin of others! So I climbed up on the bench and strung lights across the windows of my craft room!  Beautiful!  (Or at least it so seemed to me!) Those lights inspired me!  My creativity was given the midwinter boost it needed all because of some fanciful lighting!

Perhaps I am embracing my Bohemian roots here but it does not take a lot to liven up the free-spirited side of my art.  Dreams, ideas, it what you may, but my imagination takes me places so far away.  I visit those distant lands that lie within the dusty corners of my imagination and then ideas burst forth in the form of some art creation.  Just at the moment when I think that I am in a peaceful lull, that insatiable urge to fabricate an idea into reality consumes me. think that winter drear and twinkly lights can alter the mood so completely is incredible!

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